Proffie BarBack

Proffie BarBack render:

The front is a standard 10-LED bar graph. The BarBack has four WS2811
chips on it, which drives the 10 LEDS. I’ll have to add some code to ProffieOS so that it will understand that these are 10 single-colored LEDs, and not four RGB leds though.

The pads on the left side are the inputs: -, data in, and + (the leg next to DIN is also where you connect the positive wire.
The pads on the right side let you connect to more pixels.


Barback prototype in action:

Google Photos

This prototype is socketed to make it easy to test things with, but here is what it looks like from the bottom:

Google Photos

As you can see I had to fix a problem with a small wire, but that will be fixed in the next revision.

Here it what it looks like without the socket:

Google Photos

The pins sticking out at the bottom can all be snipped.

And since it’s now tested, I’m going to check in the code for it as well.


Looking good. I picked up a couple of RGB Neopixel 10 bar graph | First ever RGB Neopixel 10-bar graph in metal body! Same size and pins layout as classic plastic single color 10-bar graphs, so fits in standard 20-pin... | By ShtokCustomWorxFacebook from shtok a few years back. Only got around to using one recently in a build for my jimmy’s saber junk/saberbay Kelleran beq saber.

Being able to wire in as a neopixel blade with addressable pixels makes it much simpler than the regular 10 led bars.

That’s pretty cool, and RGB is always better than single-color.
I didn’t even know those things existed, but I can’t seem to find them anywhere now. Limited run I guess?

Yeah I bought direct from dimitri. I guess there was never enough demand for them for saberbay or kr sabers to distribute them like his other shtok products

Yeah, I’m not sure how to handle the SwitchBack/BarBack/FlashBack PCBs. I don’t think they will sell a whole lot, and small runs don’t tend to make sense economically. I could just make them open-source and let people order and assemble their own, but that kind of defeats the purpose, which is to make things simpler.

How many would you need to make for it to be viable? I am interested.

I haven’t done the math, so I don’t know exactly.
There are a lot of factors that goes into it, but probably the two most important ones are time and money. How much time am I willing to spend on it, and how much money would I expect to make in that time. Once those things have been determined, it’s fairly simple to estimate a price-per-board for a given run size.

For really small run sizes, everything is hand-made and hand-tested, and price per board comes out high, like maybe as high as $100 per board.

For large run sizes, things changes a lot, because most of the time is spent creating tools to automate production and testing, but in this case price can be much more reasonable, like maybe $10 per board. What I worry about is that this might not be possible with these types of boards, the appeal might just not be wide enough.