It is the same sound the sounds wonky. Every sound on the verification config is fine, every sound on my file is distorted unless I turn the volume down A LOT.
Your wiring diagram shows the main blade on data pin 1 and led 2&3 and the two pixels for your crystal chamber are wired on data pin 2 and led4.
If you want a separate blade style for each crystal in your CC, this would be a correct blade config:
#define NUM_BLADES 3
BladeConfig blades[] = {
{ 0, WS281XBladePtr<144, bladePin, Color8::GRB, PowerPINS<bladePowerPin2, bladePowerPin3> >(), //main blade
SubBlade(0, 0, WS281XBladePtr<2, blade2Pin, Color8::GRB, PowerPINS<bladePowerPin4> >()), //first pixel
SubBlade(1, 1, NULL), //second pixel
, CONFIGARRAY(presets) },
For that blade definition, you would need three styles, the first being the main blade and the second two each controlling one of your pixels.
If you don’t want to control the two pixels independently you could go with two blades:
#define NUM_BLADES 2
BladeConfig blades[] = {
{ 0, WS281XBladePtr<144, bladePin, Color8::GRB, PowerPINS<bladePowerPin2, bladePowerPin3> >(), //main blade
WS281XBladePtr<2, blade2Pin, Color8::GRB, PowerPINS<bladePowerPin4> >(), //both pixels
CONFIGARRAY(presets) },
with this blade definition, you would only need two blade styles per preset–you could probably just remove the trailing two lines with: StylePtr<White>()
// ProffieOS7 Config File
#include "proffieboard_v3_config.h"
#define NUM_BLADES 2
#define NUM_BUTTONS 2
const unsigned int maxLedsPerStrip = 144;
#define VOLUME 100
#define ENABLE_WS2811
#define ENABLE_SD
#define MOTION_TIMEOUT 60 * 5 * 1000
#define IDLE_OFF_TIME 60 * 5 * 1000
#define FETT263_MAX_CLASH 16
#define FETT263_LOCKUP_DELAY 200
#include "../props/saber_fett263_buttons.h"
Preset presets[] = {
{ "HeroPack;common", "",
/* copyright Fett263 Rotoscope (Primary Blade) OS7 Style
OS7.14 v2.241p
Single Style
Base Style: Audio Rotoscope - Single Color (Prequels)
Base Color: BaseColorArg (0)
--Effects Included--
Ignition Effect: SparkTip Ignition [Color: IgnitionColorArg]
Retraction Effect: Standard Retraction [Color: RetractionColorArg]
Lockup Effect:
0: mainLockMulti0Shape - Begin: Real Clash - Style: Intensity AudioFlicker - End: Full Blade Absorb
[Color: LockupColorArg]
Lightning Block Effect:
0: mainLBMulti0Shape - Begin: Responsive Impact - Style: Strobing AudioFlicker - End: Full Blade Absorb
[Color: LBColorArg]
Drag Effect:
0: mainDragMulti0Shape - Begin: Wipe In - Style: Intensity Sparking Drag - End: Wipe Out
[Color: DragColorArg]
Melt Effect:
0: mainMeltMulti0Shape - Begin: Wipe In - Style: Intensity Melt - End: Wipe Out
[Color: StabColorArg]
Blast Effect: Blast Fade (Random) [Color: BlastColorArg]
Clash Effect: Random Clash [Color: ClashColorArg]
Battery Level: % Blade (Green to Red)
/* copyright Fett263 (Crystal Chamber) OS7 Style
OS7.14 v2.241p
Single Style
On Behavior: Solid Color [Color: BaseColorArg]
Off Behavior: Fast Pulse Dim-On [Color: Match ON Color]
Base Color: BaseColorArg (0)
--Effects Included--
Ignition Effect: Instant [Color: IgnitionColorArg]
Retraction Effect: Instant [Color: RetractionColorArg]
Lockup Effect: NoneLightning Block Effect: NoneDrag Effect:
0: crystalDragMulti0Shape - Begin: Wipe In - Style: Intensity Sparking Drag - End: Wipe Out
[Color: DragColorArg]
Melt Effect:
0: crystalMeltMulti0Shape - Begin: Wipe In - Style: Intensity Melt - End: Wipe Out
[Color: StabColorArg]
"OWK3 Style"
BladeConfig blades[] = {
{ 0, WS281XBladePtr<144, bladePin, Color8::GRB, PowerPINS<bladePowerPin2, bladePowerPin3> >(),
WS281XBladePtr<2, blade2Pin, Color8::GRB, PowerPINS<bladePowerPin4> >(),
CONFIGARRAY(presets) },
Button PowerButton(BUTTON_POWER, powerButtonPin, "pow");
Button AuxButton(BUTTON_AUX, auxPin, "aux");
/* Generated with Fett263 Config Helper v3.10 */```
The above gives me the following error:
Compilation error: too many initializers for ‘Preset’"
I tried removing the }; above and below the bladeConfig but that didn’t help.
Yes, you’ve set the number of blades to 2 and you have 4 blade styles in your preset, which is too many.
Should I just remove the StylePtr<White>(),
[More characters]
Still getting the distortion unfortunately, even after rewriting the bladeConfig. I’m wondering if it’s related to the “Error in font directory.”
Also, I turned the volume back up to 1000 to check the distortion (it was sounding clear at 100) and after allowing it to run for about 20-30 seconds, it makes an alarm-like sound and turns turns the audio off and blade neopixel off; the crystal chamber remains lit. It won’t let me reactivate the blade at this point unless I cycle power with the kill switch. Is this a safety feature? Maybe this would help shed light on what’s going on?
That sounds like it’s running low on battery.
Double checked, the battery is fully charged.
Check the serial monitor.
Maybe the board thinks the battery is low even if it isn’t?
Did a standard on, clash, off command in the serial monitor and got:
Battery voltage: 3.93
EVENT: Clash ON millis=115033
SD card is busy, flags= medium
unit = 1 vol = 0.50, Playing HeroPack/clsh/clsh8.wav
File HeroPack/clsh/clsh8.wav not found.
Amplifier off.
Battery voltage: 3.93
SD card is busy, flags= medium
unit = 1 vol = 0.50, Playing HeroPack/in/in1.wav
File HeroPack/in/in1.wav not found.
Amplifier off.
Looks like it can’t find clsh8 and in1. I wonder what else is missing. What’s weird is some clashes and other sounds as well as lines from the movie are played at the appropriate time, just distorted.
It’s saying that the SD card is busy. I think that means that you have mass storage on and your computer is doing something with the SD card.
Do you have battery power? If not, sounds will likely be distorted due to lack of power.
I can have it hooked up to the computer/serial monitor with the battery in? I thought I had read somewhere that that was a no-no.
Where? If you can find that, then please let me know so I can track down this piece of bad information and murder it in it’s sleep correct it.
Of course you can plug in USB and battery at the same time.
This is a misconception I see a lot of people have… I’ve seen it be spread by word of mouth (online mouth… text…) in different places, but not sure what the source is… might just be getting circulated at this point more than it is being learned from wherever it originated.
But yeah, I hear this a lot…
Put the battery in and did the standard on, clash, off and received:
Battery voltage: 4.23
EVENT: Clash ON millis=46531
SD card is busy, flags= scsi medium
unit = 1 vol = 0.50, Playing HeroPack/clsh/clsh8.wav
File HeroPack/clsh/clsh8.wav not found.
Amplifier off.
SD card is busy, flags= medium
unit = 1 vol = 0.50, Playing HeroPack/in/in2.wav
File HeroPack/in/in2.wav not found.
Amplifier off.
Battery voltage: 3.73
Also I went into my SD card and clsh8 and in2 wav files are in their clsh and in folders, so I’m not sure why it can’t find them.
Possibly the same place that spread “using a charging-only cable will FRY your board.”
Or from whomever started adding #include sound_library.h
to config files.
Ugh, yeah, those bother me too.
I suspect that started because people were using fast chargers which would fry boards on LGT hilts.