Pixel on Switch PCB not Turning Off with Kill Switch

Hey all,

I have an Emperor DS3 that I wired with two pixel switches (similar to the Schtok ones but not from Schtok). They are wired similarly. However, one of them functions fine with the kill switch while the other one remains on sometimes. If I turn on the saber and then turn it off, the pixels remain lit. However, if I turn on the saber, hit on to ignite the blade neopixel connector and then hit the kill switch, the pixels on the affected switch pcb sometimes turn off and other times remain on (I haven’t figured out a rhyme or reason as to when it turns off vs when it does not).

I have the pixel switch pcbs wired as follows -
Switch 1 (the problem child) - to the button 1 pad and ground, and the pixel pads to Led 4, Data 2 and for the positive I have a 28 awg wire that connects to a 22 awg wire that then goes to the positive battery terminal.

Switch 2 (the one that works fine) is wired to the button 2 pad and same ground as button 1, and the pixel pads to Led 5, data 3, and it too has a 28 awg wire coming off the positive pad to the same 22 awg wire that button 1 is connected to which then connects to the positive battery terminal. (The neopixel blade connector has a 22 awg wire coming off its positive pad to the same 22 awg wire - so it’s the 2 28 awg wires and a 22 awg wire joined together with 1 22 awg wire going to the positive terminal).

I hope this all makes sense. Does anyone have any idea what is causing the one pixel switch to remain powered even with the kill switch off, while the other pixel switch and the neopixel blade connector are turned off with the kill switch? I may be missing something really obvious here. Thank you for the feedback!

What does your config file look like?

Are there any resistors on the data line(s)?

I’ve had a few issues like this, which have had various causes. Lone pixels seem to have a will to live of their own, and will find ways of sucking power through paths that power shouldn’t usually go down.

Assuming your config isn’t leaving power pins 4 and 5 live deliberately, it may be that that LED is sucking power down the data line.

Things to try are:

  • Make sure you add a resistor to that dataline (330 or 470 ohm).

  • Make sure NOTHING is bridging any bare wires or terminals. I recently had an install that was doing something like this, and it turned out to be a dab of hot glue that was bridging the kill switch terminals - picking that glue off fixed it. So don’t assume that because something is in theory non-conductive that it can’t still cause issues.

  • If the problem persists, move the switch positive wire from hard to the battery to either the switched side of the kill switch or the 3.3 volt pad of the Proffie. The prof advises against the latter in principle, but it does work and it has the benefit that the 3.3 volt pad is properlykilled by the Proffieboard. And although there is a limit to how much power it can provide, it can drive two pixels pretty comfortably.

Hope that helps.

Thank you for the response. Here is the config I’m using (I left one of the bladestyles in in case that information was useful).

#include "proffieboard_v2_config.h"
#define NUM_BLADES 3
#define NUM_BUTTONS 2
#define VOLUME 1500
const unsigned int maxLedsPerStrip = 144;
#define ENABLE_WS2811
#define ENABLE_SD
#define ENABLE_SSD1306
#define FETT263_LOCKUP_DELAY 200
#define FETT263_TWIST_ON
#define FETT263_TWIST_OFF
#define FETT263_TWIST_ON_NO_BM           

#define FETT263_MAX_CLASH 16
#define MOTION_TIMEOUT 60 * .6 * 1000  


#include "../props/saber_fett263_buttons.h"

Preset presets[] = {
   { "Emperor1;common", "tracks/Execute Order 66.wav",
/* copyright Fett263 Rotoscope (Primary Blade) OS6 Style
OS6.7 v4.021
Single Style
Base Style: Rotoscope - Single Color (Prequels)

Base Color: Rgb<255,0,0> (0)

--Effects Included--
Ignition Effect: Standard Ignition
Retraction Effect: Standard Retraction
Lockup Effect: Intensity Lockup V1, Begin Effect: Real Clash, End Effect: Full Blade Absorb
LightningBlock Effect: Responsive Lightning Block
Drag Effect: Intensity Sparking Drag
Melt Effect: Intensity Melt
Blast Effect: Blast Wave (Random)
Clash Effect: Real Clash V2

/* copyright Fett263 (Accent LED / PCB) OS6 Style
OS6.7 v4.021
Single Style
On Behavior: Blinking Off-On
Off Behavior: Solid Color

Base Color: Rgb<0,255,0> (0)

--Effects Included--
Ignition Effect: Instant
Retraction Effect: Instant
Lockup Effect: Intensity Lockup Up V1
LightningBlock Effect: Full Blade Lightning
Blast Effect: Blast Wave Up (Sound Based)
Clash Effect: Real Clash V1 Up

/* copyright Fett263 (Accent LED / PCB) OS6 Style
OS6.7 v4.021
Single Style
On Behavior: Blinking On-Off
Off Behavior: Heart Beat

Base Color: Rgb<255,0,0> (0)

--Effects Included--
Ignition Effect: Instant
Retraction Effect: Instant
Lockup Effect: Intensity Lockup Up V1
LightningBlock Effect: Full Blade Lightning
Blast Effect: Blast Wave Up (Sound Based)
Clash Effect: Real Clash V1 Up
StylePtr<Layers<Blinking<RgbArg<BASE_COLOR_ARG,Rgb<255,0,0>>,Black,500,500>,TransitionEffectL<TrWaveX<RgbArg<BLAST_COLOR_ARG,Rgb<255,187,108>>,Scale<WavLen<>,Int<100>,Int<400>>,Int<100>,Scale<WavLen<>,Int<100>,Int<400>>,Int<0>>,EFFECT_BLAST>,Mix<IsLessThan<ClashImpactF<>,Int<26000>>,TransitionEffectL<TrWaveX<RgbArg<CLASH_COLOR_ARG,Rgb<255,187,108>>,Scale<ClashImpactF<>,Int<100>,Int<400>>,Int<100>,Scale<ClashImpactF<>,Int<100>,Int<400>>,Int<0>>,EFFECT_CLASH>,AlphaL<White,Int<0>>>,TransitionEffectL<TrConcat<TrInstant,AlphaL<RgbArg<LOCKUP_COLOR_ARG,Rgb<255,187,108>>,SmoothStep<ClashImpactF<>,Int<-4000>>>,TrFadeX<Scale<ClashImpactF<>,Int<100>,Int<300>>>>,EFFECT_LOCKUP_BEGIN>,TransitionEffectL<TrConcat<TrInstant,AlphaL<RgbArg<LOCKUP_COLOR_ARG,Rgb<255,187,108>>,Int<0>>,TrSelect<Scale<IsLessThan<ClashImpactF<>,Int<20000>>,Int<1>,Int<0>>,TrWaveX<RgbArg<LOCKUP_COLOR_ARG,Rgb<255,187,108>>,Scale<ClashImpactF<>,Int<50>,Int<400>>,Int<100>,Scale<ClashImpactF<>,Int<500>,Int<300>>,Int<0>>,TrSparkX<Stripes<1200,-3600,Mix<Int<6425>,Black,RgbArg<LOCKUP_COLOR_ARG,Rgb<255,187,108>>>,RgbArg<LOCKUP_COLOR_ARG,Rgb<255,187,108>>,Mix<Int<12850>,Black,RgbArg<LOCKUP_COLOR_ARG,Rgb<255,187,108>>>>,Int<30>,Scale<Sum<ClashImpactF<>,SwingSpeed<600>>,Int<100>,Int<400>>,Int<0>>>>,EFFECT_LOCKUP_END>,LockupTrL<Strobe<RgbArg<LB_COLOR_ARG,Rgb<255,255,255>>,AudioFlicker<RgbArg<LB_COLOR_ARG,Rgb<255,255,255>>,Blue>,50,1>,TrInstant,TrFade<1000>,SaberBase::LOCKUP_LIGHTNING_BLOCK>,InOutTrL<TrInstant,TrInstant,TransitionLoop<RgbArg<OFF_COLOR_ARG,Rgb<255,0,0>>,TrConcat<TrBoing<1200,2>,Mix<Int<1285>,Black,RgbArg<OFF_COLOR_ARG,Rgb<255,0,0>>>,TrFade<1200>>>>>>(), "emperor1"},

BladeConfig blades[] = {
 { 0, WS281XBladePtr<144, bladePin, Color8::GRB, PowerPINS<bladePowerPin2, bladePowerPin3> >(),
    WS281XBladePtr<2, blade2Pin, Color8::GRB, PowerPINS<bladePowerPin4> >(),
    WS281XBladePtr<2, blade3Pin, Color8::GRB, PowerPINS<bladePowerPin1> >(), CONFIGARRAY(presets) },

Button AuxButton (BUTTON_POWER, powerButtonPin,"aux");
Button PowerButton(BUTTON_AUX, auxPin, "power");

Sorry didn’t see this message until after I had replied to the first message. I did not add any resistors when installing. I thought the pixel switch pcb was already resistored so I did not add anything further.

Thank you so much for the information and those tips. As the prof also mentioned, I’ll add a resistor to that dataline. Even though I’m not (currently) having an issue with it, should I also resistor the dataline for the second switch?

It’s good practice to add resistors to all data lines except Data 1 which has a resistor built in to it already. The whole issue of data line resistors is discussed in more detail here:

Thank you! This is great information to have. I’ll try to add the resistor to my problem child to see if this resolves the issue). I’m still fairly new to all this so I really appreciate the feedback and the helpful tips. Thank you!

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Have you looked to see if there are resistors on the PCB?

Is this where I sheepishly admit that I did not (and do not know what to look for)? :pensive:

This is the switch pcb that was included. (I’m not sure if that’s helpful in determining if it is resistored.)

You would be looking for something like this:


The picture shows two neopixels, a switch and no extra components.
Unless the resistor is on the back, that board has no resistors.

Yeah there are some pads on the back but nothing resistor-ish. Thank you so much for taking the time to respond. I really appreciate it.