NoSloppy IceBlade force file is not longer then the style library

Hey peeps,

so I have @NoSloppy ice blade force sound in the maw soundfont, unfortunately the sound and the duration of the visuals don’t line up.

I would like to shorten the timing on the visuals and i adjusted

"TheMaw;common", "common\tracks\venus.wav",
    /* copyright Fett263 Hyperspace (Primary Blade) OS7 Style
     * OS7.14 v2.52p
     * Single Style
     * Base Style: Hyperspace
     * Base Color: BaseColorArg (0)
     * --Effects Included--
     * Ignition Effect: Multi-Point Out [Color: IgnitionColorArg]
     * Retraction Effect: Multi-Point In [Color: RetractionColorArg]
     * Lockup Effect:
     * 0: mainLockMulti0Shape - Begin: Real Clash - Style: Intensity AudioFlicker - End: Full Blade Absorb
     * [Color: LockupColorArg]
     * Lightning Block Effect:
     * 0: mainLBMulti0Shape - Begin: Responsive Impact - Style: Strobing AudioFlicker - End: Full Blade Absorb
     * [Color: LBColorArg]
     * Drag Effect:
     * 0: mainDragMulti0Shape - Begin: Wipe In - Style: Intensity Sparking Drag - End: Wipe Out
     * [Color: DragColorArg]
     * Melt Effect:
     * 0: mainMeltMulti0Shape - Begin: Wipe In - Style: Intensity Melt - End: Wipe Out
     * [Color: StabColorArg]
     * Blast Effect: Blast Wave (Random) [Color: BlastColorArg]
     * Clash Effect: Real Clash V1 [Color: ClashColorArg]
     * Swing Effect: Interactive Ice Blade (Force Effect) [Color: Rgb<180,180,255>]
     * Swing Option 0- Interactive Ice Blade (Force Effect) Interactive Control: Force to freeze blade, clashes will break ice.

    "The Maw"

the force.wav is 22s in duration and the first 10 - 15 seconds are the freezing up and the rest is the defrosting sound.

is there any way we split those sounds so that when I clash to break “the ice” it could use the second half of that soundfont?

Several ways.
A transition sound would work, first one freezing, second one unfreezing, while an alt hum could be played during the frozen time.

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weird, I was half expecting the style editor to show what I meant but it’s “freezing” correctly but on my lightsaber its super slow.

Video of what I’m talking about.

Max. Based on the style you posted, it looks like doing Force effect will freeze the blade.
The freezing visual is timed to sync with the force sound.
Then, stabs or clashes will “chip away” at the frozen blade, revealing more and more regular blade each clash (like 6 or 7 times to get rid of all the ice)

So for starters, the sound you have from TheMaw font is an all-in-one freeze->ice state->thaw sound.
I think you just want to edit the sound you have to be just the “freezing” part, like this:

But I don’t know your plan from there.
In the latest version of TheMaw I have, it uses a chhum.wav for the freeze-ice-thaw sound, and plays between 2 alt hums, which are identical in this case since we’re coming from and returning to the un-frozen hum sound.
The ice blade sequence in TheMaw was built as an all-in-one, one shot timed event.
Since the blade style you have from the Style Library has multiple events (waiting for you to smash away the ice bit by bit), I’m not sure what @Fett263 worked out as far as accompanying sounds for that.

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yeah that’s what I was thinking as well, there’s enough in that sound font (it’s 20seconds long) to have the freezing and the hum. just not sure about the clash sound, if I used that force sound there was also the Extras folder with different force sounds, those might work,

I actually used the whole force wave and cut it up to hum01 force01 clsh1 to 13 and copied all the other sounds and split it to alt000 and alt001. The only issue now is i don’t find hyperspace in the multiphase. I’ll have to tinker. Or am i using the wrong style?

If you are an Early Access member you can use the new “Change State (Special Abilities)” capability in the Blade Builder to create a custom Ice Blade (or anything else you want).

Change State blade styles allow you to create customized “State” transforming blades, like “Fire to Ice” or a “Doom Eternal Crucible Sword”, with a custom “Transition State” in between. In addition, each “State” uses it’s own Alt Font for even more realism and synchronized sounds.

This allows you to have alt000 for the main blade, alt001for the transition and alt002 for the new state. This allows for really custom transitions between state as well as custom controls for how to revert the state back to default. I have to get some time to do a demo video on the new interfaces but the feature is already built into the library and the prompts and selections will guide you. It does require Special Abilities to enable, so the controls are actually handled in the Special Ability selection. The library will then provide the set up information when you generate code in the Style Information section.
This is only available on the Early Access library.


that is really nice ,where can I get it ?

Search for @NoSloppy in soundfont i think.

ok, I think I figured it out.

I’ll test it and then post here but the style library should maybe work.