Newbie trying to change to second blade type

Apologies if this is already up somewhere but I couldn’t find it. I can see in my config that I have two blades. I have a one button saber. In all the presets there seems to be two “Styles” which I’m guessing is the second blade per preset.

So… How do I access the second style with a one button saber?


I’m guessing you are using the Fett263 saber prop, and you want to figure out how to use edit mode to change the second style? Is that correct?

I’m still using sa22c buttons in the props folder. The presets are fett263 though. Do I have to change my buttons to fet263 and then add a define for that action?

This question is confusing.
What do you mean “access the second style”?
Each blade style shows on a blade.
Do you have 2 blades? (Keep in mind that a “blade” is any LEDs you have, like main blade, crystal chamber, accent LED etc… each counts as a blade.)

If you only have one main blade, then your setting for NUM_BLADES should be 1, you should have 1 style per preset, and 1 blade definition in the BladeConfig.

2 for 2 and so on.

The number of buttons you have is irrelevant to the number of blade styles.

The sa22c prop doesn’t have any sort of “edit mode”, so you can’t change styles by using in-hilt menus.

If that’s what you want, you can change to the Fett263 prop, with the right defines, and add a voice pack to the SD card, then you can use edit mode.

Of course, if you’re going to reprogram anyways, you could also just change the styles in the config file directly.

It’s going to depend on the styles, but if you’re referring to Dual Phase, Multi-Phase or other Special Ability styles, yes, they require my prop to run.

It’s probably better if you just post your config and give us the preset as an example. You can use to share the config. Then we can tell you exactly how to do or what is missing.