/* copyright Fett263 CustomBlade (Primary Blade) OS6 Style
OS6.7 v4.020
Single Style
Color Blend (Erratic)
Default: Shock Baton
1: ElectroStaff
Base Color: Rgb<255,0,0> (0)
--Effects Included--
Preon Effect: Faulty Ignition (PreOn Color)
Ignition Effect: Lightning Strike
Retraction Effect: Glitch Off
Lockup Effect: Responsive Lockup, Begin Effect: Localized Flash, End Effect: Power Burst
LightningBlock Effect: Force Lightning
Drag Effect: Intensity Sparking Drag
Melt Effect: Intensity Melt
Stab Effect: AudioFlicker Stab
Blast Effect: Responsive Blast Fade (Large)
Clash Effect: Responsive Clash
Swing Effect: Lightning Swing
Just went to the proffie font builder. This is pretty much what I wanted! So thank you @cbrsawyer