This is what I’d like to do:
Add more presets to the blade. Also on the SD there’s an indication that seems to suggest that the OS on the Proffieboard is 6.5, so I was wondering if it’d be better to update it to the latest version (currently 7.14), considering that it is a Proffieboard V2.2.
This is what I’m concerned about:
Losing the existing presets and not being able to make the board work anymore, perhaps due to an incorrect association between the ports referred to in the code and the actual wiring.
I asked the installer to give me the configuration files, he sent me a folder containing these files:
- .cvsignor
- .DS_Store
- blaster_v3_config.h
- common_presets.h
- crossguard_config.h
- default_proffieboard_config.h
- default_v3_config.h
- graflex_v1_config.h
- owk_v2_config.h
- proffieboard_config.h
- proffieboard_v1_config.h
- proffieboard_v1_graflex.h
- proffieboard_v1_test_bench_config.h
- proffieboard_v1_verification_config.h
- proffieboard_v2_config.h
- proffieboard_v2_ob4.h
- proffieboard_v2_verification_config.h
- proffieboard_v2_verification_config2.h
- proffieboard_v3_config.h
- proffieboard_v3_verification_config.h
- prop_shield_fastled_v1_config.h
- td_proffieboard_config.h
- teensy_audio_board_rev_d.h
- teensy_audio_shield_audiofx.h
- teensy_audio_shield_micom.h
- test_bench_config.h
- toy_saber_config.h
- v1_config.h
- v2_config.h
- v3_config.h
Should I just download SO 7.14 and replace the files in the “config” folder with the files he has sent me?
Also, in the SD now there are 4 other files:
- LGT1Button32.h
- LGT1Button32NoGest.h
- LGT1Button36.h
- LGT1Button36NoGest.h
Plus a folder names “Motion file if no hum or swing” with a file named “lsm6ds3h.h” inside.
From what I understand the LGT1Button3* files indicate the length of the blade and whether or not you are using the gesture commands. What I don’t understand though is how does the Proffieboard choose which file to use?
Above all, are these my “real” configuration files that I have to modify and add to the config folder to add new presets?
And if so, do I have to modify all 4 of them every time I modify a preset?
What is it and what do I have to do with the “Motion file if no hum or swing” folder?
I realize that there’s a lot of questions and maybe some not so clear, I tried my best
It would be helpful if the installer told you which specific file is currently installed on your board.
It’s likely one of the LGT1Button flavors.
As for how to install it, you use Audrino.
This video shows you the basics of how to setup audrino and your config and upload it after you modify the config. You also might need Zadig if your PC doesn’t have bootloader drivers.
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If you have Arduino set up and ProffieOS 7.14 properly extracted, you will not need any of the .h files from the first folder. They will be already included in ProffieOS.
First you’ll want to determine which of the 4 files in the SD card you want to use. Choose depending on whether your blade is 32" or 36", and whether or not you want gesture controls. For example, if you own a 36" blade and want the twist on/twist off functionality, you’d choose LGT1Button36.h. This will be the file to modify to add more blade styles or presets. Make your changes and copy that file into the config folder of ProffieOS.
Next, to flash the board (assuming your proffieboard is properly set up and recognized when connecting to your computer), open ProffieOS.ino and change the
#define CONFIG_FILE “config/my_saber_confi.h”
#define CONFIG_FILE “config/LGT1Button36.h” or whatever config file you selected.
Now you should be able to just press upload your new presets should work.
If you don’t have ProffieOS and the proper drivers set up, check pod.hubbe.net for instructions on getting your computer ready for working with Proffie
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Backup your SD card and your proffieboard, then you can experiment to your hearts content:
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Thank you all for answering, I’ll try doing what you suggested
I’m trying to do it but after selecting “STM32 BOOTLOADER” it gives me this error “SecurityError: Failed to execute ‘open’ on ‘USBDevice’: Access denied.”. I really don’t know what to do. I also downloaded zadig and followed all the steps in ProffieOS Documentation: Zadig, and it tells me that the driver has been installed correctly.
I tried chrome that on edge I have windows 10, if they can be useful as information.
Do you have some sort of security policy program, or anti-virus software that might prevent you from doing this? Maybe try chrome and see if it works any better?
Not that I know of.
I tried chrome, edge and firefox, but it still doesn’t work.
I tried googling this problem, and it seems like the most common cause of problems is that winusb is not the selected driver for the device. If you put the board in bootloader mode and then check the what driver windows is using, is it using winusb?
actually no… it still uses GuiSTDFUDev even if zadig driver was successfully installed
This is the guillemot racing wheel / joystick driver.
Unless you need it, I suggest uninstalling that driver.
oh yes I use it sometimes. But how do I change it?
The wheel/joystick uses a similar chip as the proffieboard, and rather than using a standard driver guillemot has their own special DFU driver. That driver can’t tell the difference between a joystick and a proffieboard, and it comes with a utility that automatically re-installs the driver if you try to change it to something else…
The good news is that the guillemot dfu driver is only required when doing firmware updates to the wheel/joystick. In normal operations it is not required. This makes it possible to simply delete the GuiSTDFUDev dll from your system. Now windows can’t use it, the utility can’t re-install it, and while firmware updates to your wheel/joystick won’t work anymore, you will be able to program proffieboards.
This post has the details, please note that I cannot guarantee that this is a safe thing to do:
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Thank you so so so so much, man
It finally works!