My 1st somewhat aggressive config. errors

I have built and installed a few sabers with proffie OS 5.9 and am getting a bit more aggressive in setting the configs. I spent a cple days on this one and keep getting stumped. I used the stock config, added Fetts presets and added the new stock font names to the config. I keep getting a compiling error. here is the config and errors #ifdef CONFIG_TOP#include "proffieboard_v2_config.h"#define NUM_BLADES 3#d -
Arduino: 1.8.19 (Windows 10), Board: "Proffieboard V2, Serial + Mass Storage + W -

you’re missing the ending of your first preset for TeensySF.

Compare it to the other presets.
There’s no “name” or closing brace and comma
Should end with

.......>(), "teensy"},

Same problem with SmthFuzz and TthCrstl.
Basically all the ones you customized have the same formatting issue.
Fix them and it compiles just fine.

Thank you, and that does make sense as I usually see a color spelled out with " " and a } .
should the font name go in the space or a color?. Thank you again for the quick diagnosis !

The “name” (a.k.a. message) argument at the end of the preset can be anything you want.
It is what is displayed in the online ProffieOS Workbench page, OLED displays, serial monitor etc… so you can identify which preset you’re dealing with.
I usually use the name of the font.

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that worked like a champ! thanks!

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