Lgt gesture script help :)

Hi I was wondering if anyone could post a gesture turn on script  that works for Lgt sa22c  1 button configuration  I have tried  several  scripts but none of them seems to work πŸ€”πŸ€¨πŸ€·πŸ½β€β™‚οΈ

This is the script I have now 

#ifdef CONFIG_TOP #include "proffieboard_v2_config.h" #define NUM_BLADES 1 #define NUM_BUTTONS 1 #define VOLUME 2000 const unsigned int maxLedsPerStrip = 144; #define CLASH_THRESHOLD_G 1.8 #define ENABLE_AUDIO #define ENABLE_MOTION #define ENABLE_WS2811 #define ENABLE_SD #define sa22c_STAB_ON #define sa22c_THRUST_ON #define sa22c_SWING_ON #define sa22c_SWING_ON_SPEED 250 #define sa22c_FORCE_PUSH #define sa22c_FORCE_PUSH_LENGHT 5 #define sa22c_TWIST_ON #define sa22c_TWIST_OFF #define IDLE_OFF_TIME 60*5*1000 #define DISABLE_DIAGNOSTIC_COMMANDS #endif #ifdef CONFIG_PROP #include "../props/saber_sa22c_buttons.h" #endif #ifdef CONFIG_PRESETS 

But it does not turn on

How did you post it without any newlines?
Don’t you already have a thread for this?

I made a post where people can post scripts because people doesn’t seem to understand the issue I’m having I have done a full script everything else works fine but the gesture on won’t work but adurino accepts the script so it’s not written wrong :man_shrugging:t4: