Layerize in style editor question

Hello The Crucible,

I read this:

Does this still work? I am pasting my various styles (found mostly from all the configs I came across here on The Crucible) in the style editor to get familiar with them but [Layerize] stays “grayed out” after I click [Submit].

I can only click on [Argify] which seems to turn the code into “layers” but also changes part of it. If I understand it changes the colors into “Arg’s” to make it compatible with the color wheel in Edit Mode, but I am not yet sure if I want that at the moment or not.

Maybe I have the wrong address ? I am using:

&/or (is there a difference in functionality between the two ?)

Also the [Expand] button stays grayed out but I don’t know what it is supposed to do.

Thank you for your time.

Layerize is meant for older version styles that use nesting and wrapping, not using Layers, something like


If you have a style that’s just all mushed together, simply clicking in the right hand column will sort it out into layer-per-line for you.

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When layers were invented, (in ProffieOS 3 or 4 or something) most of the existing styles were converted into aliases that expands into layers. Layerize only works when you give it one of these aliases. Basically, it will expand the aliases for you and shuffle the layers around a bit to make it easier to use.

Argify will go through everything and replaces plain colors with arguments that can be changed using edit mode. This only works if the editor can identify what those colors are used for, and that largely depends on the style being organized into layers, so it also does the “layerize” thing whenever possible.

Expand will light up whenever the first thing in your style in an alias. If you push it, it will expand that alias. Unlike layerize and argify, it only does that one thing and then stops.


Thank you both for your time.

Post an example of one you’re trying to layerize. I do it all the time with bladestyles whatever the source.

ie: Here’s one of Fett’s I layered to modify colors etc.

/* copyright Fett263 JediSurvivor (Primary Blade) OS7 Style
OS7.14 v2.241p
Single Style
Base Style: Cal Kestis Survivor Green
Base Color: BaseColorArg (0)
--Effects Included--
Ignition Effect: Glitch On [Color: IgnitionColorArg]
Retraction Effect: Glitch Off [Color: RetractionColorArg]
Lockup Effect:
0: mainLockMulti0Shape - Begin: Full Blade Flash - Style: Intensity AudioFlicker - End: Full Blade Absorb
[Color: LockupColorArg]
Lightning Block Effect:
0: mainLBMulti0Shape - Begin: Full Blade Flash - Style: Strobing AudioFlicker - End: Full Blade Absorb
[Color: LBColorArg]
Drag Effect:
0: mainDragMulti0Shape - Begin: Wipe In - Style: AudioFlicker - End: Wipe Out
[Color: DragColorArg]
Melt Effect:
0: mainMeltMulti0Shape - Begin: Wipe In - Style: Intensity Fire Melt - End: Wipe Out
[Color: StabColorArg]
Blast Effect: Blast Wave (Sound Based) [Color: BlastColorArg]
Clash Effect: Responsive Clash with Wave [Color: ClashColorArg]
  //WIP BladeStyle Emitter Wick
  //WIP EFFECT #2: Code edited/forked based off of Fett263's IgnitionEffect "GlitchOn". 


Hey @A_Rogue_Child, it’s ok, I am figuring it out with the hints from NoSloppy above.

However,I have some problems with the pages, both Profezzorn’s & NoSloppy’s.

Here is what’s happening:

  1. I open one of the two pages from bookmarks. There is already a style there, which I have no idea how to get rid of.
  2. I paste the style I want to “layerize”, click submit
  3. I click under “Structured view, click to edit.” just right of Layers< in the “empty space” and the whole right side of the screen turns blue. And on the left window, it turns to “layers” (several lines instead of one)
  4. I click save, but I don’t want to save it in a new text file, so I click cancel.
  5. the style is now in layers and highlighted. I right-click copy and paste it back in my config and I add the closing comma.

So far, so good (except I can’t get rid of the initial style, no matter how I bookmark the page, but whatever - a “clear all” button would be great IMHO)

  1. now comes the problem, the right frame is still blue and I paste a new style in the left window overwriting my first style (in layers).
  2. click submit and a message in red appears, sometimes it is “Expected identifier or number” or “something(cant’t remember what, I think layer) is transparent.” but my second style doesn’t go in the right frame which is still blue from my earlier click on it.

I need to close the page and open from bookmark in a new page, if I reload from my bookmark, dark mode gets lost and I still have the red message when I paste and submit a newer style. Again, a “clear all” or “reset (to blank)” button would be very handy.

Or I am just doing it wrong ?

Edit: If I go from Profezzorn to NoSloppy page between styles, then I do not need to close the page but if I reload the same page from bookmarks then I get stuck with a red message. I am using Firefox on Windows10 and I got the same with Chrome.

Dude, just hit the delete key :slight_smile: You type in the text box.
Copy, paste, type, edit, comment out things… That’s what the text box for your style is for.
I usually just do Ctrl-A to select it all, then Ctrl-V to paste in my style overwriting it.
Hit Submit and it all loads into the Structured View on the right. (Hint: Don’t leave a comma after the closing >() to avoid error when submitting)

Then when you’re done, the “Copy” button copies the complete style, ready-wrapped in a StylePtr<>(), so you can paste it somewhere.
The “Save” button is for downloading a ready-made text file of your style for local storage.

That is what I am doing the first time around, but when I paste a second style, the right window stays highlighted and when I click submit, it doesn’t work.

What about that comma at the end of the style like:


Did you delete it/ leave it out?


Like this:

You need to be a little specific. Doesn’t work how? Does a red error appear above your pasted style?

Yes every time I paste a second style and click submit the second time, i get a red error. I have to close the page and re-open a new one to do the next style I want to process. As was explained a few posts above (points 6 & 7).

I tried with and without, and it works the same. On first attempt, it works with or without the closing comma (but closing comma gets removed after I click save or copy) and on second style it doesn’t work with or without the closing comma!

Again, what does “doesn’t work” mean?

Can you screen record?

I can take screenshots, It just happened again, but for the first time, it didn’t happen on the second try but it did on the 3rd. On first and second I didn’t remove the ending comma, but I did on the third when I got red message expect identifier or number

If I close the tab, open your page again, paste the same style, not even bother to remove the ending comma, it will just work (I will delete the screenshots after confirmation from NoSloppy that he saw them).

So again, I strongly believe that your page would benefit from a “clear” or “reset” button.

it means I get a red message, and then the page seems stuck.

Just always remove an ending comma before hitting submit.

Ok, I will remove the ending comma from now on. I didn’t know about it till you mentioned it above. Then I was testing with or without it to see if there was any difference in behavior: working or getting a red message (or not), getting the page stuck (or not).

So do I delete the screenshots or not ?

Yes you can/should remove the screenshots.
I know that “sometimes” it allows a comma at the end of a complete StylePtr<>() wrapped style, sometimes it doesn’t.
I’m pretty sure it will ALLWAYS complain about it if it’s still just Layers<>.

So, just remember to not copy the comma to your clipboard, or remove it after pasting if you included it.
Should be fine.


Screenshots have been deleted.

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