Korbanth ObiWan metal saber install

I was inspired by @LyleStyle’s ObiWan build (here First Full KIt - Desert Wanderer ) to finally finish my OB saber with a goth 3designs inspired chassis.

I had been tinkering with chassis designs already, but this would be a first multi pixel/chamber chassis, so it took some time to get the motivation up to finish it.

I learned some (more?) lessons, I hope to carry forward. Despite countless time measuring, it still ended being a hair larger than I wanted on the speaker end, the lower part of the hilt is very tight to get on, but does fit.

I planned to run the wires in the brass tubes, but didn’t account for getting them out cleanly, so I chopped off one tube and ran the wire like it had been repaired, Bonus is, that lets you see the crystal a little better.

So, here it is finished. Single pixel crystal chamber and 7 pixel clamp. I used a jst to connect that to the chassis. (seen in the pics)




The tube chop you turned into a repair matches the weathering. Slick!

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