Is there an option for delay between gestures, especially power on/off

Twist is a single forward and back motion. Right then left or left then right, like a single rev on a motorcycle,
don’t keep twisting. If you’re twisting it a bunch of times, then yes you will trigger it multiple gestures.

For OS7, if you enable special abilities and use the Early Access OS7 library you can set ignitions as Special Abilities in place of Twist On and then just use Twist Off to prevent -or- you can just do the gesture once :wink:.

To the original question, you can build in delays if you want, I had them in OS5 but they made the gestures less intuitive as there were times users WANTED a quick action and couldn’t do. You can certainly build your own in if you want but it’s probably just easier to learn to do the gesture correctly IMHO.