In-depth style programming documentation

Is there detailed documentation on how to program your own preset? Right now I’m relying on the ProffieOS code from GitHub and the style editor, but I’d be interested in getting a better understanding of how to use functions/transitions/etc. and what some specific keywords do such as StylePtr vs StyleNormalPtr.

Whenever I get this question I recommend my library, then you can “backwards engineer” from there. That’s how a lot of people get their “start”.

If you want to understand each style or transition, you can read the related .h file, they will include the template information and basic use, but that’s really like learning a pencil uses graphite and a pen uses ink, it’s the combination of the tools that is the “art” and that’s learned through use and experimentation in my experience. My library is the result of countless hours of experimentation and combinations of the available “tools”, by using them as a roadmap you can start to understand how to combine and use these things together in different ways.

You only need “StylePtr”, the others are much older from the original OS and don’t support the current styles and capabilities. Just build out Layers<> and use the StylePtr and you can pretty much do anything you can think of.

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This page is in desperate need of some TLC, but might still be useful:

Creating comprehensive style documentation has been on my TODO for a while now…

There’s this on a back burner:


This looks like what I’m looking for. I’ll have a read and probably come back with a bunch of questions haha. Thanks!

Woah. So much info!!