I have a OLED screen want to add some extra images for my proffieboard 2.2

That’s only needed if you’re using OS 6 or earlier. Under OS7, you don’t need to do it because the system is able to check and work with combinations of parameters from different config.ini files.

If memory serves, the issue prior to OS7 was that since many fonts have their own config.ini files, those files always took priority, and if a parameter wasn’t included in them, it would use the system default of that parameter. This made it tricky to have one oled folder shared across the entire system because it meant to change config.ini oled settings, you would have to do it in every font folder - if you tried it in a shared (common) oled folder, that oled config.ini would get dumped the moment the system found one in the font folder - even if that font folder one didn’t have any oled settings listed.

But then the Prof changed the system so that ProffieOS could take one set of parameters from a shared folder, and unless the font folder config.ini specifically over-rode those parameters, it would continue to use them rather than dumping them and going for system defaults.

This thread tells the full story of how it came about: