So I have been having problems with proffie
No matter what I do I cant get Zadig to show my proffieboard as STM32 BOOTLOADER. I am following a tutorial from Absolute Sabers ( and things have been going fine until I got to Zadig…
As you can see it is obviously not showing up so I did what I thought was the answer: get a new data cable. This is the new cable i got: So I got back to my house from staples, booted up my computer and turned on Zadig to find… MXT USB DEVICE. Unfortunately I don’t have a photo to give you on this one because now its not even there anymore.
Ok so Zadig didn’t work, I went online and found Fett’s tutorial on his website, (Fett263 Updating Your Proffieboard Instructions) followed all the steps again, and at the part where before I needed Zadig, I instead downloaded and ran his “Proffie DFU Setup for Windows.” making sure to follow the on-screen directions.
After the DFU Setup I headed straight into Arduino (because I already made my Config) and hit verify.
The only thing out of the ordinary I noticed was that it didn’t have those 5 red error lines that are actually fine to have above like this:
Ok so I didn’t think that was a big issue so I just went ahead and uploaded! Here is the “Tools” tab I used:
When I made my Config file I choose to get rid of some fonts, also I added one sick Acolyte Font (Stephane C. Blade Version)
I started my config from scratch AKA Absolute’s config: Dropbox because I didn’t have the original one and I wanted entirely new fonts
I made the fonts using Fett263's Proffieboard Neopixel Lightsaber Responsive Style Library for OS 5)
I turned on my saber and bam, the new blade styles I made did not affect the lightsaber at all. All the default blade styles were still on there which made me very disappointed. Furthermore, the fonts that I got rid of off my SD card all came back! These ghost fonts had no sound and would say something like: Font Not Found (I think this has something to do with the Config, no actual part of the font is there just the blade style). Also, the Acolyte font I added ( just did not appear (again maybe a config problem)
All help is appreciated. These last few days have been so frustrating and hard. I don’t know what your first experience with proffie was but I hope it wasn’t as bad. Btw sorry for writing so much, I just wanted to give enough info.
So sorry, I cant believe I forgot…
KestisConfig.h (31.3 KB)
Btw my Saber is:
And my Proffie is v2.2
Ok, next question is are you sure it’s uploading?
If you’re positive it’s uploading, let’s introduce a typo so we can make sure you’re uploading the config you think it is.
In your first preset, remove the “S” from “StylePtr<” and save. Then upload, if you don’t get an error message you’re not uploading the config you think you are.
I uploaded once more just to make sure and yep, wrong port.
What’s weird is that in Absolute Saber’s video it says that the port should be COM1
Anyways i held BOOT and clicked RESET on my board and it said in a garbled voice: hahehahim X CONTROL NOT FOUND.
It was a very distorted and weird voice so I couldn’t make out the first part, hence the gibberish, but I think the last part was correct, at least the “NOT FOUND”.
Anyways I checks control panel and yep:
MXT USB DEVICE popped up. I don’t know how to get it to say STM32 BOOTLOADER.
Any thoughts?
Remove the screenshots, they’re not needed, a count like this means you didn’t select the Tools > Port so nothing uploaded.
A successful upload will display from 0% up to 100% uploaded (see article I linked above)
Go to Tools > Port and select your Proffieboard, then upload.
I went to Tools > Port and the only options were COM1 and Serial (But I can’t select it). MXT USB is still shown in control panel.
You ran the dfu installer, correct? You may not have a data cable. I would recommend checking or getting a new data cable.
I have ran the installer, I just got this cable yesterday:
Can you suggest a better cable if this one is bad?
That is a USB-C charging cable. You need a micro USB data cable like so: 2m Cord - A to Down Angle Micro B - Down Angled Micro USB Cable - 1x USB A (M), 1x USB Micro B (M) - Black (USBAUB2MD), 2m / 6 Feet 2m Cord - A to Down Angle Micro B - Down Angled Micro USB Cable - 1x USB A (M), 1x USB Micro B (M) - Black (USBAUB2MD), 2m / 6 Feet : Electronics
It needs to connect to the USB port on the board itself, not a charging port.
Wow thank you so much, that was definitely a braindead move from me. This should solve the issue so you can expect no more activity in this topic but just so you know, you are the best. Like I have seen all that you have done for this lightsaber community and I gotta say, its impressive how much you’ve done. So thank you so much for spending your time just helping out people and letting them have fun.
You’re welcome, we’re here if you have more questions. Good luck.
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Uploaded config to my proffieboard just now using the new cable and it worked minus one detail! All those cool blade styles I made are now on the lightsaber and look sick but… I am getting the FONT DIRECTORY NOT FOUND error message whenever I play any font except OBI EP3. I don’t know why it cant find the fonts and I don’t know why Obi-Wan is the only font that it cant find. Originally I thought it was a config problem and I wrote the names of the files wrong but no, they are all the same.
KestisConfig.h (36.0 KB)
For some reason all your preset font directories have ()
surrounding them. That shouldn’t be there. (Unless it’s actually part of the folder name like (Heavy)
Is the only one formatted currently, albeit spelled wrong .
Also, spaces in folder names is not ideal.
Ok I have updated both the SD card and config (Removed spaces in font names and listened to your suggestions). Uploaded it to the lightsaber and… (Font Directory Not Found). Very confused so any help is appreciated
New Config:
KestisConfig.h (35.9 KB)