How to make ForceSync Android app connect to 89sabers bluetooth equipped cores

Hi Proffieboard tinkerers, it was brought to my attention that my ForceSync app for Android doesn’t connect to 89sabers bluetooth equipped saber cores, but it does work with ForceSync app on iOS and with ProffieOS Web Tool.

So here is a fix:

89sabers Proffieboard cores use FSC-BT630 bluetooth module, which means it’s possible to reconfigure it via AT commands using FeasyBlue app for Android and iOS. The reason ForceSync app on Android doesn’t connect to 89sabers BT630 modules is that those modules are configured a little bit differently than the ones we use for DIY installs (mainly BT909). And the only parameter we need to change is the pairing security. Follow these steps to do it:

  1. Download and install FeasyBlue app.

  2. Launch FeasyBlue app and go to Settings tab on the bottom navigation bar and “Parameters modification” button on the top.

  3. Enter passcode 20138888 if prompted.

  4. On next screen you can modify bluetooth Name (you can also use emojis in the name), pairing Passcode and other custom parameters.

  5. Under “Custom instruction” field choose one of the AT+ rows and type SECURITY in the first box and in the next box after the “=“ type either number 2 (pairing without Passcode request) or number 3 (pairing with Passcode request), so the full command line will look like this: AT+SECURITY=2

  6. Flip the switch next to this command row (only one switch at a time on this screen must be ON).

  7. Then press the “Start” button in the top right corner of the screen (make sure your saber is ON and bluetooth module is working).

  8. On the next screen select your saber bluetooth device from the list of discovered devices, app will now connect to it and write the new parameter value. Go back to the previous Parameter modifications screen and do other parameters one by one if needed.

  9. Reboot the bluetooth module by removing the battery from your saber and reconnecting it or by switching off the Kill Switch. Done!

Same way you can also change bluetooth Name and Passcode for BT909 bluetooth modules for all your sabers, use “Device name:” row to change the EDR Name (the one that will be shown on PC) and custom command “AT+LENAME=“ to change the BLE Name (the one that will be shown on mobile devices). Enjoy!