How do I wire 2 anti-vandal (red,purple) switches to my proffieboard v2.2

A few observations:

  1. the PurpleLED struct isn’t specified for a white value. That might be confusing. Maybe try setting ‘Green’ to 0.
  2. The MaxVolts and P2Volts are the same which isn’t right and could lead to a division by zero in the code. (I’m not going to dive too deep into this, keep reading to find out why…)
  3. The LED struct logic assumes that your LED is powered by the battery and isn’t really helpful when powering the LED from a fixed power source like the 3.3v pad. So really we should just nerf all these values.
  4. Read this: Recommended way to post a config file

Anyways, here is what I suggest trying:

struct PurpleLED {
  static constexpr float MaxAmps = 0.02;
  static constexpr float MaxVolts = 30.0;    // nerf it because we're powered by 3.3v
  static constexpr float P2Amps = 0.10;
  static constexpr float P2Volts = 3.0;
  static constexpr float R = 220; // Resistor value
  static const int Red = 255;
  static const int Green = 0;
  static const int Blue = 255;

Now if that doesn’t work, we’ll have to look at the styles to see if maybe they are the wrong color?