I just finished making a 22" zig-zag blade using the new 5mm COB strips with 160 led/m. I used two strips folded over one-another, with the data OUT from the first strip soldered to the data IN on the second strip. Power wires for both strips soldered directly to the PCB. I glued the strips to a 6mm 3d printed square dowel. Counting the pixels on each strip was tricky and is important to get the lighting to work properly–it was further complicated because I had to clip off one of the LEDs because I melted off a pad (the 5mm strip has very tiny pads and I’m relearning my soldering skills)–and because the second strip was longer because it went over top of the first strip (note if you do this, beware of the contacts at the seems between LEDs).
Here are my changes to make it work:
BladeConfig blades[] = {
{ 0,
SubBlade(0, 84, WS281XBladePtr<345, bladePin, Color8::GRB, PowerPINS<bladePowerPin2, bladePowerPin3> >()), //main blade
SubBladeReverse(85, 169, NULL), //stripe 2 a little short
SubBlade(170, 256, NULL), //stripe 3 a little longer due to hump
SubBladeReverse(257, 343, NULL), //stripe 4 same as 3
WS281XBladePtr<15, blade2Pin, Color8::GRB, PowerPINS<bladePowerPin4, bladePowerPin5> >(), //buttons
CONFIGARRAY(presets) },
This config needs five blade styles for each preset, here is an example (with using functions I created from FETT263’s website):
{ "SATELE SHAN-GRANDMASTER;common", "tracks/SentinelShan.wav",
StylePtr<ControlMainRotoscope>("0,32896,0"), //Green, HyperResponsive Rotoscope Prequels
StylePtr<MainStatic>("65535,0,0"), //Red
I followed Profezzorn’s video on his zig-zag blade.