Help with neopixel control

I am working on a gas mask prop for my son. Its is from a game, and ingame, the eyes are sort of backlit.

Here is an image from the stl kit maker.

At first, I was going to make them with some light blue leds. But he said “hey wouldn’t it be cool if they could be different colors?”

Yes, it would.

So, I went looking for something to do there and found these:

They are like neopixel fairy lights.

I don’t want to go to crazy or expensive on the control (partly because I am inexperienced), so would something like this work to control them?

All of them the same color is fine.

That controller would work, yeah.

2" pitch is pretty low density for what it seems you’re trying to do though… maybe you’d want a higher density strip, something like this?

It’s bigger than the strand you were looking at, but only by a little. It’s pretty small/thin at 5mm wide.

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Yes a higher pitch would be better, but my plan is to do something like this:
GTFO Mask pixel
Glue down a side angled pixel, then loop the wire up. I probably drew to many there. I will probably use 4 to 6 leds depending on how they diffuse.

The adafruit strip looks pretty soft too, which I like, but that may be programming, I suppose.

There is quite a bit of space between the mask and your face.

I feel like the pixel on flat plastic strips wouldn’t be flexible enough to do around the eyes, and the leds would be facing a weird direction.

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Ah, that makes sense, to group them together closer.

I think they’d be pretty flexible, it doesn’t seem like the curve around that socket is that tight, but it sounds like you’ve got a plan, so a moot point :slight_smile:

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Yes, I hope so. :slight_smile:

I actually have a long cutoff of 2812, so i suppose I can see how it might work.

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I don’t think it would work very well. At least not for what I am picturing with the fairy lights.

But thanks for jogging my memory!


How about these ones?

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Those look very good for what I want! Thanks!

I searched their site many times, no idea how that strip didn’t come up.

Did you see this?

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Thank you, an EL wire like that was my first thought. They look great, however, he wanted to see if we could do differing colors. Light blue for in game, and red to look more intimidating, etc.

I just did a set of goggles with noods :slight_smile:

They look great but the silicone is so slick they were a bit hard to control. I wound up using a combo of wires and glues….it had me tight and grinding my teeth a bit :joy:. For the first time I really thought about a 3D printer to make little clips. One day (looks longingly at the sky).

They handle pwm fading nicely off of an old adafruit trinket and are quite beautiful. But yeah, one color.

Adafruit’s operation moved a few blocks from my house. I keep my eye out for a factory tour but no luck yet.

Curious about the dots the Prof pointed out.

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I just received the slim flexible strip and controller. I am pretty sure on the controller the outer pins are power and ground, confirmed with a multimeter.

However, the pixel, the description says:
" Connecting to these is a little tricky because there’s no power/data markings (there’s no PCB!) So instead, look at the translucent wires. The female connector is usually on the in end. The red wire is V+ power, the middle wire is ground, and the last wire is data in. Double check with alligator clips before you solder, since this can be inconsistent with different lots."

I don’t think that’s right. How can I test with alligator clips? If I wire it up wrong, will they be ruined?

There is no red wire that I can see. I have checked and have continuity across the first wire and last wire, and none on the middle wire. Does that mean the middle is data?

I did some more testing, looks like pin 1 is +5v, pin 2 is data, pin 3 is -gnd.

However the controller is reversed, -gnd, data, +5v. I thought these things were universal?

I will snip and re-solder the controller and hopefully it works.

Quite likely I’m afraid.

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