GTFO Game Gas Mask

My son asked if I could help him make this gas mask for Halloween.

The left one from the first person shooter GTFO.

He found the 3d files on Etsy, and sent them to me. There was about 40 files. The seller provided some instructions, but they are a bit lacking. Some files need multiple copies, some needed slicer mods… So, it has been fun figuring out what to do for assembly.

Lots of little pieces, but its coming along.

This is after lots sanding and a few coats of primer.

There is also a headset done and some TPU gaskets that I have finished as well. He wants to help sand it and paint. So, more pics to come.


Paint is done. My son painted the silver, he wanted to be involved. A bit heavy for my taste, but it matches in game.

I just added the little gas tube’s, and it just looks great now! imo

Up next is the fabric straps.

I also have a printed mold that I am going to try to thermoform a clear shield for it out of clear styrene. Don’t know how that’s going to go.


My boys would love it if I could build things like you do. We made our first light sabers from parts from the local hardware store. I am busy with a house move, so everything is packed but I will try to post pictures in a week or two when our lightsabers re-appear !


Looking great! And having the kid in on it makes it even better.

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Thanks guys!

Today I decided to try the thermoforming. here is the mold:

Its made of some old pink pla, so the top got a little brittle.

Well my grand idea didn’t go exactly to plan…

It looks kinda like the game, but as you can see I had trouble around corners where it would just wrinkle. That’s where vacuuforming would have been really great!

I still think it looks good for what it is and still plan on going forward with it. I will make it removable with magnets, in case of visibility issues (or if he hates it, lol)

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Hey Nathan, just a heads up, images hosted on this site consume valuable space that could simply be offloaded elsewhere instead if you use a hosting service instead of directly uploading here.
I like to use
Just drag your image to that home page, then click the little “copy” icon to the right of the “Hotlink for Forums” link, and paste that in your post rather than actually uploading here.

I also use postimages. I thought because there was an upload button, it was simpler. I will rehost them. Thanks

This is wrong. Please post images here. Hosting them elsewhere will almost certainly cause them to become dead links at some point.
I just don’t want people to post screenshots, or photos of screens.

EDIT: Please don’t post your entire photo collection, some moderation is appreciated. :slight_smile:


Wow, ok, sorry for the misinformation.
I mean… it does use space, and offloading does not, so I wasn’t wrong for what I said.
But the inevitability for hosting sites to kick the proverbial Photobucket is not something I had considered.

So, a few pics per update is ok?

Absolutely, that’s kind of the whole point of build threads. :slight_smile:

True, I could have said that better.
It’s not wrong, it’s just not what I intended.

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Also photos can be cropped to just the subject matter. I use a simple free program

My kids were using that at school to learn some basic photo editing.

I use it to crop and save in jpg at 50% quality and what I upload here is posted by further reducing to 50%.

The forum will also re-compress all uploaded images, and if the recompressed image is too large, it will downscale it and try again.

Cropping can be helpful to make things show up better, but don’t worry about resizing and compressing, the forum will do that for you.


Got the pixel string and controller in. It worked out pretty well, imo.

TPU printed gasket there too.

The light effect is pretty great!
This should match in game:

Also has some cool sequences, too bad its only 8 pixels now.

The cool blue is ok on the eyes, but the rainbow is pretty bright!