Global.ini keeps appearing in my SD card?

So I keep deleting this file (global.ini) because it keeps appearing in my SD card with a new volume setting that i dont want. I have my volume set in the main config. Any reason why this file keeps reappearing on my SD card even though i keep deleting it?

Are you editing anything on the saber or through Workbench? And/or what are you doing prior to it appearing. It shouldn’t be changing the volume unless you’re making changes via one of the menus or workbench.

I don’t use hand gesture menus on this saber, and I dont even know how to access or use workbench honestly, LOL. Its something ive never gone into.

Ive just now updated this saber to OS6.5, and im going to monitor it to see if it keeps happening.

Your defines would be what cause file to save, but it shouldn’t be changing the volume unless you have something else going on. You can post the top of your config if you want to know which are enabling.

Post your config file and we can tell you how to prevent it from doing that.

This is the upper portion of the config before it goes into the blade styles/fonts:

#include "proffieboard_v2_config.h"
#define NUM_BLADES 1
#define NUM_BUTTONS 1
#define VOLUME 2200
const unsigned int maxLedsPerStrip = 144;
#define ENABLE_WS2811
#define ENABLE_SD
#define FETT263_STAB_ON
#define FETT263_THRUST_ON
#define FETT263_FORCE_PUSH
#define IDLE_OFF_TIME 60*5*1000
#define MOTION_TIMEOUT 60 * 15 * 1000

#include "../props/saber_sa22c_buttons.h"

Preset presets[] = {

I don’t see any SAVE_ defines so that’s odd. Also, unrelated but the FETT263_ defines don’t actually do anything if you’re using sa22c’s prop, you’d need to read the top of his prop file to see what defines are supported for gestures.

Yeah, I just left them in there knowing they dont do anything. Right now im not doing any Gesture related stuff with this saber

Global.ini saves your preferences. For example if you change volume.

Yup, i kinda had a hunch that what this file does. But When I delete it (the file) off the SD card…It eventually comes back. Its weird…I dont know whats triggering it to reappear knowing I dont make edits/changes on the fly with my saber. I dont even use any gesture controls or edit the volume on my saber at all. Im a “set it and forget it” kinda guy

Either way, hopefully bringing this saber up to OS6.5 with a fresh install makes it go away permanently. We shall see

Something doesn’t add up here…
What version of ProffieOS is your saber running now?
I checked both ProffieOS 6.x and 5.x, and as far as I can tell, neither of those should create global.ini files with the config file you provided. So is the config file wrong? Is it a modified version of ProffieOS, or am I missing something?

Not sure what OS it was on when i got this saber (its an LGT core from the usual LGT USA retailers) but when the saber arrived it did have the global.ini file in it…So when i added some new fonts/styles to this saber I used my OS-5.7 setup w/ Arduino, and naturally removed this global.ini file from the SD card cause I knew I wouldn’t use or need it.

Then about 2 weeks later (today), i added more fonts/styles to this same saber, and saw the global.ini file reappeared on the SD card even though I know i had deleted it off.

So what I did today, was brought this saber up to OS-6.5 and deleted the global.ini file yet again…we shall see. Im gonna swing it around tonight and look back in the SD tomorrow to see if it reappears

You wouldn’t happen to be updating your SD from a local copy that has the .ini file by chance? The thing is, even if the OS generated the .ini it would use the current volume, so if it’s different the .ini is not from the OS.

Also, why do you automatically delete .ini files, depending on the features you usually don’t want to delete .ini files or you may lose settings for your saber.

It’s not surprising for the file to re-appear.
If the saber is configured for saving the volume, it will create the file every time it saves.
The surprising thing here seems to be that your config file doesn’t have the defines for saving the volume, so why is it saving the volume??

When i edited the SD card to add fonts, I reformatted the card (FAT32) to make sure it was wiped clean. And yet the global.ini still showed up today with the only entry of volume being at 1600. I didnt change the volume on this saber at all. Again, i dont use gesture controls or use ‘on the fly’ volume adjustments.

But the main config i set my volume at 2200, So even if this global.ini file showed up without me knowing durring the past week, it didnt effect the volume down to 1600, cause i didnt noticed a drop in volume with this saber compared to the rest of my proffie sabers set to 2200.

The sneaky little file just showed up in the SD after it was reformatted with new fonts, but didnt do anything to the volume. Its the weirdest thing…

That’s the thing, I don’t know any way the .ini could get a different value for volume. Are you sure you’re actually uploading the config you posted?

this is the config I use for OS-5.7, which si when i first noticed this global.ini thing happening:

#include "proffieboard_v2_config.h"
#define NUM_BLADES 1
#define NUM_BUTTONS 1
#define VOLUME 2200
const unsigned int maxLedsPerStrip = 144;
#define ENABLE_WS2811
#define ENABLE_SD
#define FETT263_STAB_ON
#define FETT263_THRUST_ON
#define FETT263_FORCE_PUSH
#define IDLE_OFF_TIME 60*5*1000

#include "../props/saber_sa22c_buttons.h"

Preset presets[] = {

And here is the config im using for OS-6.5 (yes I know it has Fett gesture controls in there but are not active)

#include "proffieboard_v2_config.h"
#define NUM_BLADES 1
#define NUM_BUTTONS 1
#define VOLUME 2200
const unsigned int maxLedsPerStrip = 144;
#define ENABLE_WS2811
#define ENABLE_SD
#define FETT263_STAB_ON
#define FETT263_THRUST_ON
#define FETT263_FORCE_PUSH
#define IDLE_OFF_TIME 60*5*1000
#define MOTION_TIMEOUT 60 * 15 * 1000

#include "../props/saber_sa22c_buttons.h"

Preset presets[] = {

The configs themselves really haven’t changed much if at all. But I did swing the saber around just now, played around with it for a few minutes and then Checked the SD card…so far the global.ini didnt reappear itself.

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