Font directory not found

So i upgraded my sd card to a higher speed card . copy and pasted the contentsand even after configuring the board again it shows the font files with a 0 next to all of them in serial monitor. what can i do?

Did you format the card first using this?

What do you mean serial monitor shows the fonts with a zero? Screenshot?

Do you mean like this:

lobal.tmp 88
global.ini 88
readme.txt 372
RgueCmdr 0
SmthFuzz 0
SmthGrey 0
SmthJedi 0
TeensySF 0
tracks 0
TthCrstl 0
hero 0
proxima 0
presets.ini 1639
presets.tmp 1639

That’s just how the “dir” command works.

That’s normal as they’re directories that contain files. It’s not showing the cumulative size of the files contained within.
Does the SD card not work right with the board? Is that the actual issue?

Nothing is working right. I have to hold power and clash the saber to change the font. There’s no color change. It won’t accept any blade styles from the editor and my 36" blade is about 24" lit.

And I have no idea how to work the tests on arduino. I have terminal cancer and a brain tumor doesn’t help I’m sure. I just wanted to get it to boot up faster and stop the random glitches so I got a better SD card. Shouldn’t have taken that advice.

Did you update CONFIG_FILE in ProffieOS.ino to point to your config file?

Please read the rules.
Photos of screens are not allowed.
Screenshots are only allowed if cut-n-paste cannot work.

I’m on a touchscreen computer getting chemo and I’m shaking too much to cut and paste correctly

Well that sucks, and if using screenshots or photos of screens makes a difference, I will absolutely let you do that. However, I still need to see your config file and get information about what you are doing in order to actually help you.

I don’t see anything wrong in the picture you posted earlier.

To help with blade not lighting up all the way, I need to know what kind of blade you have and how many LEDS it has. Is it RGBW? Also, I need to see the blades[] array in your config file to see if it matches with the description of your blade.

#include "proffieboard_v2_config.h"
#define NUM_BLADES 1
#define NUM_BUTTONS 1
#define VOLUME 2500
const unsigned int maxLedsPerStrip = 144;
#define ENABLE_WS2811
#define ENABLE_SD
#define SA22C_FORCE_PUSH
#define SA22C_STAB_ON
#define SA22C_SWING_ON
#define SA22C_TWIST_ON
#define SA22C_THRUST_ON
#define SA22C_TWIST_OFF
#define IDLE_OFF_TIME 60*5*1000
#define SAVE_STATE
#define IDLE_OFF_TIME 60*5*1000


#include "../props/saber_sa22c_buttons.h"

Preset presets[] = {
  { "TeensySF", "tracks/venus.wav",
    StyleNormalPtr<CYAN, WHITE, 300, 800>(), "cyan"
  { "SmthJedi", "tracks/mars.wav",
    StylePtr<InOutSparkTip<EASYBLADE(BLUE, WHITE), 300, 800> >(), "blue"
  { "SmthGrey", "tracks/mercury.wav",
    { StylePtr < Layers < AudioFlicker<RotateColorsX<Variation, Red>, RotateColorsX<Variation, Rgb<128, 0, 0>>>, TransitionEffectL<TrConcat<TrFade<200>, AlphaL<RotateColorsX<Variation, Rgb<255, 150, 150>>, SwingSpeed<500>>, TrDelay<30000>, AlphaL<RotateColorsX<Variation, Rgb<255, 150, 150>>, SwingSpeed<500>>, TrFade<800>>, EFFECT_FORCE>, AlphaL < RotateColorsX<Variation, Rgb<255, 150, 150>>, Scale < IsLessThan<SwingSpeed<600>, Int<13600>>, Scale < SwingSpeed<600>, Int < -19300 >, Int<32768 >>, Int<0 >>>, LockupTrL<Layers<AlphaL<AudioFlickerL<Rgb<255, 150, 0>>, Bump<Scale<BladeAngle<>, Scale<BladeAngle<0, 16000>, Int<10000>, Int<30000>>, Int<10000>>, Scale<SwingSpeed<100>, Int<14000>, Int<18000>>>>, AlphaL<Moccasin, Bump<Scale<BladeAngle<>, Scale<BladeAngle<0, 16000>, Int<10000>, Int<30000>>, Int<10000>>, Int<10000>>>>, TrConcat<TrInstant, TransitionEffect<Rgb<255, 150, 0>, Moccasin, TrInstant, TrFade<200>, EFFECT_LOCKUP_BEGIN>, TrFade<400>>, TrConcat<TrJoinR<TrWipe<100>, TrWipeIn<100>>, TransitionEffect<Moccasin, Rgb<255, 150, 0>, TrInstant, TrFade<200>, EFFECT_LOCKUP_BEGIN>, TrJoinR<TrWipe<100>, TrWipeIn<100>>>, SaberBase::LOCKUP_NORMAL>, LockupTrL < Stripes < 3000, -2000, RandomBlink<30000, Strobe<Rgb<125, 125, 225>, White, 50, 1>, Rgb<75, 75, 150>>, RandomPerLEDFlicker<Rgb<20, 20, 100>, Rgb<100, 100, 150> >>, TrWipe<200>, TrWipe<200>, SaberBase::LOCKUP_LIGHTNING_BLOCK >, AlphaL<RotateColorsX<Variation, Rgb<255, 150, 150>>, Bump<Int<0>, Scale<TwistAngle<>, Int<2000>, Int<10000>>>>, MultiTransitionEffectL < TrConcat < TrDelay<300>, AlphaL<White, SwingSpeed<400>>, TrDelay<15000>, AlphaL < AudioFlickerL<White>, SmoothStep < Int<6000>, Int < -4000 >>>, TrFade<500 >>, EFFECT_STAB >, AlphaL<Mix<IsLessThan<BladeAngle<>, Int<26000>>, MultiTransitionEffectL<TrConcat<TrWipeIn<200>, White, TrWipeIn<200>>, EFFECT_STAB>, MultiTransitionEffectL<TrConcat<TrWipe<200>, White, TrWipe<200>>, EFFECT_STAB>>, Int<32768>>, ResponsiveBlastWaveL<TransitionEffect<White, Blue, TrInstant, TrFade<100>, EFFECT_BLAST>, Int<400>, Scale<SwingSpeed<200>, Int<100>, Int<400>>, Int<400>>, ResponsiveBlastWaveL<TransitionEffect<Rgb<255, 150, 0>, Moccasin, TrInstant, TrFade<100>, EFFECT_CLASH>, Int<300>, Int<100>, Int<300>, Scale<BladeAngle<0, 16000>, Int<10000>, Int<30000>>, Int<10000>, EFFECT_CLASH>, TransitionEffectL < TrConcat < TrInstant, Stripes < 3000, -3500, RotateColorsX<Variation, Rgb<255, 150, 150>>, RandomPerLEDFlicker<RotateColorsX<Variation, Rgb<60, 0, 0>>, Black>, BrownNoiseFlicker<RotateColorsX<Variation, Rgb<255, 150, 150>>, RotateColorsX<Variation, Rgb<60, 0, 0>>, 200>, RandomPerLEDFlicker<RotateColorsX<Variation, Rgb<128, 0, 0>>, RotateColorsX<Variation, Rgb<60, 0, 0>> >>, TrFade<1200 >>, EFFECT_IGNITION >, TransitionEffectL<TrConcat<TrInstant, HumpFlickerL<RotateColorsX<Variation, Rgb<255, 150, 150>>, 40>, TrFade<1200>>, EFFECT_RETRACTION>, LockupTrL<AlphaL<BrownNoiseFlickerL<White, Int<300>>, SmoothStep<Int<30000>, Int<5000>>>, TrWipeIn<400>, TrFade<300>, SaberBase::LOCKUP_DRAG>, LockupTrL<AlphaL<Mix<TwistAngle<>, Rgb<255, 200, 0>, DarkOrange>, SmoothStep<Int<28000>, Int<5000>>>, TrWipeIn<600>, TrFade<300>, SaberBase::LOCKUP_MELT>, InOutTrL<TrWipeSparkTip<White, 500>, TrConcat<TrFade<2000>, DarkOrange, TrFade<2000>, Red, TrFade<2000>>, Black>, TransitionEffectL < TrConcat < TrInstant, AlphaL < BrownNoiseFlickerL<RotateColorsX<Variation, Red>, Int<30>>, SmoothStep < Scale<SlowNoise<Int<2000>>, Int<1000>, Int<4000>>, Int < -4000 >>>, TrDelay<2000 >>, EFFECT_RETRACTION >, TransitionEffectL<TrConcat<TrFade<1500>, AlphaL<Pulsing<RotateColorsX<Variation, Red>, RotateColorsX<Variation, Red>, 500>, Bump<Int<0>, Int<5000>>>, TrBoing<3000, 5>, AlphaL<Pulsing<RotateColorsX<Variation, Red>, RotateColorsX<Variation, Red>, 500>, Bump<Int<0>, Int<6000>>>, TrBoing<3500, 10>>, EFFECT_PREON >>> (),
      { "SmthFuzz", "tracks/uranus.wav",
        StyleNormalPtr<RED, WHITE, 300, 800>(), "red"},
      { "RgueCmdr", "tracks/venus.wav",
        StylePtr < Layers < ColorChange<TrFadeX<Scale<BladeAngle<>, Int<2000>, Int<800>>>, AudioFlicker<Red, Rgb<128, 0, 0>>, StyleFire<BrownNoiseFlicker<Red, RandomPerLEDFlicker<Rgb<25, 0, 0>, Rgb<60, 0, 0>>, 300>, Rgb<80, 0, 0>, 0, 6, FireConfig<10, 1000, 2>, FireConfig<10, 1000, 2>, FireConfig<10, 1000, 2>, FireConfig<10, 1000, 2>>>, TransitionEffectL<TrConcat<TrFade<200>, AlphaL<RotateColorsX<Variation, Rgb<255, 150, 150>>, SwingSpeed<500>>, TrDelay<30000>, AlphaL<RotateColorsX<Variation, Rgb<255, 150, 150>>, SwingSpeed<500>>, TrFade<800>>, EFFECT_FORCE>, AlphaL<AlphaL<BrownNoiseFlicker<RotateColorsX<Variation, Red>, Black, 300>, SwingSpeed<400>>, SmoothStep<Scale<SwingSpeed<600>, Int<32768>, Int<16000>>, Int<16000>>>, TransitionEffectL < TrConcat < TrInstant, AlphaL < Mix < SmoothStep<Scale<BladeAngle<>, Scale<BladeAngle<0, 16000>, Int<10000>, Int<30000>>, Int<10000>>, Int<1000>>, Stripes<1500, 2000, White, Red>, Stripes < 1500, -2500, White, Red >>, Int<16384 >>, TrFade<800 >>, EFFECT_LOCKUP_END >, ResponsiveLockupL<Strobe<White, BrownNoiseFlicker<White, Blue, 300>, 50, 1>, TrConcat<TrInstant, White, TrFade<400>>, TrFade<100>, Scale<BladeAngle<0, 16000>, Int<10000>, Int<30000>>, Int<10000>, Scale<SwingSpeed<100>, Int<10000>, Int<14000>>>, ResponsiveLightningBlockL<Strobe<White, AudioFlicker<White, Blue>, 50, 1>, TrConcat<TrInstant, AlphaL<White, Bump<Int<12000>, Int<18000>>>, TrFade<200>>, TrConcat<TrInstant, HumpFlickerL<AlphaL<White, Int<16000>>, 30>, TrSmoothFade<600>>>, AlphaL < RotateColorsX<Variation, Rgb<255, 150, 150>>, SmoothStep < Scale<SlowNoise<Int<2000>>, Int<1000>, Int<4000>>, Int < -4000 >>>, ResponsiveStabL<Orange, TrWipeIn<600>, TrWipe<600>>, ResponsiveBlastWaveL<White, Int<400>, Scale<SwingSpeed<200>, Int<100>, Int<400>>, Int<400>>, ResponsiveBlastWaveL<White, Int<300>, Int<100>, Int<300>, Scale<BladeAngle<0, 16000>, Int<10000>, Int<30000>>, Int<10000>, EFFECT_CLASH>, TransitionEffectL < TrConcat < TrInstant, Stripes < 3000, -3500, RotateColorsX<Variation, Rgb<255, 150, 150>>, RandomPerLEDFlicker<RotateColorsX<Variation, Rgb<60, 0, 0>>, Black>, BrownNoiseFlicker<RotateColorsX<Variation, Rgb<255, 150, 150>>, RotateColorsX<Variation, Rgb<60, 0, 0>>, 200>, RandomPerLEDFlicker<RotateColorsX<Variation, Rgb<128, 0, 0>>, RotateColorsX<Variation, Rgb<60, 0, 0>> >>, TrFade<1200 >>, EFFECT_IGNITION >, TransitionEffectL<TrConcat<TrInstant, HumpFlickerL<RotateColorsX<Variation, Rgb<255, 150, 150>>, 40>, TrFade<1200>>, EFFECT_RETRACTION>, AlphaL<Black, SmoothStep<Scale<SlowNoise<Int<2400>>, Int<22000>, Int<40000>>, Int<22000>>>, LockupTrL<AlphaL<BrownNoiseFlickerL<White, Int<300>>, SmoothStep<Int<30000>, Int<5000>>>, TrWipeIn<400>, TrFade<300>, SaberBase::LOCKUP_DRAG>, LockupTrL<AlphaL<Mix<TwistAngle<>, Rgb<255, 200, 0>, DarkOrange>, SmoothStep<Int<28000>, Int<5000>>>, TrWipeIn<600>, TrFade<300>, SaberBase::LOCKUP_MELT>, InOutTrL<TrConcat<TrWipe<200>, ColorChange<TrFadeX<Scale<BladeAngle<>, Int<2000>, Int<800>>>, AudioFlicker<Red, Rgb<128, 0, 0>>, StyleFire<BrownNoiseFlicker<Red, RandomPerLEDFlicker<Rgb<25, 0, 0>, Rgb<60, 0, 0>>, 300>, Rgb<80, 0, 0>, 0, 6, FireConfig<10, 1000, 2>, FireConfig<10, 1000, 2>, FireConfig<10, 1000, 2>, FireConfig<10, 1000, 2>>>, TrWipe<100>, Black, TrBoing<600, 3>>, TrBoing<800, 3>, Black>, TransitionEffectL<TrConcat<TrInstant, AlphaL<White, Bump<Int<0>, Int<10000>>>, TrFade<3000>, AlphaL<Orange, Bump<Int<0>, Int<8000>>>, TrFade<3000>, AlphaL<Red, Bump<Int<0>, Int<6000>>>, TrFade<2000>>, EFFECT_RETRACTION>, TransitionEffectL<TrConcat<TrFade<2000>, AlphaL<HumpFlickerL<RotateColorsX<Variation, Red>, 10>, Bump<Int<0>, Int<4000>>>, TrFade<2950>, AlphaL<HumpFlickerL<RotateColorsX<Variation, Red>, 15>, Bump<Int<0>, Int<5000>>>, TrFade<3000>, AlphaL<HumpFlickerL<RotateColorsX<Variation, Red>, 20>, Bump<Int<0>, Int<6000>>>, TrBoing<1000, 3>>, EFFECT_PREON >>> ()},
        { "TthCrstl", "tracks/mars.wav",
          StyleStrobePtr<WHITE, Rainbow, 15, 300, 800>(), {"strobe"};
        { "TeensySF", "tracks/venus.wav",
          &style_pov, {"POV"},
          { "SmthJedi", "tracks/mars.wav",
            &style_charging, "Battery\nLevel"},

          { BladeConfig blades[] = {1} .
            WS281XBladePtr<144, bladePin, Color8::GRB, PowerPINS<bladePowerPin2, bladePowerPin3> >(), CONFIGARRAY(presets)


          Button PowerButton(BUTTON_POWER, powerButtonPin, "pow")


I fixed the post a bit to make it easier to read, a few comments:

This looks wrong, there’s not supposed to be a “{” in front of “POV”.

I think what you want is:

BladeConfig blades[] = {
 { 0, WS281XBladePtr<144, bladePin, Color8::GRB, PowerPINS<bladePowerPin2, bladePowerPin3> >(), CONFIGARRAY(presets) },

144 should be changed to the actual number of LEDs in your blade.
If the blade isn’t lighting up all the way, then maybe the you want to change GRB to GRBw.

Several of your presets seems to be missing closing brackets: },