Fett263 ProffieOS6 Prop (Button) File for 1 or 2 Buttons

Hi @Fett263

I’ve combed over Fett263 ProffieOS6 Prop File (Buttons and Controls) to find the answer, and to test I just havn’t had a chance yet on my new 1 button saber, but is there a specific #define to swap between the 1 or 2 button setup? Or is it literally based on whatever is defined in #define NUM_BUTTONS ?

Yeah, the number of buttons determines which functionality is used.

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Brill, thanks!!

Yup, that is it.

Sorry but i dont get how to setup the disable do to copy

Not sure I understand the question, can you elaborate?

im trying to disable copy preset but i dont understand this

if (menu_) return true;
return true;

add “//” in front of CopyPreset(true); like so:

    if (menu_) return true;
    return true;

In the prop file props/saber_fett263_buttons.h just find that line and comment it out by adding “//” in front of it.

so like this
#include “…//props/saber_fett263_buttons.h”

No, that is just how you include my prop in your config. Your original question is a modification to that prop, so you need to actually open the prop file and make a simple code change.

nvm i how no idea what im look for or even doing

Then just run the prop as is if you’re not comfortable modifying it.

What you posted is exactly what to look for and what to do.
Adding a simple // to comment out and disable that line.
The code to edit is in the saber_fett263_buttons.h prop file, which is in ProffieOS/props folder.

So in saber_fett263_buttons.h prop file im look for CopyPreset(true) and then just add // for it to look like this //CopyPreset(true) is that right?

Yes, correct

so for it to look like this
if (menu_) return true;
return true;
and this
if (menu_) return true;
return true;

Yes, although only one is actually necessary depending on NUM_BUTTONS but no harm in doing both I guess. If you only have 1 button the BUTTON_AUX doesn’t apply to you saber.

one last question is does highlighting stuff in the prop file hurt it

It’s a plain text file. It doesn’t take any fancy formatting like fonts and highlighting.
Instead you can do like visual marker lines as comments. Sometimes I’ll do that to find a spot.

// -------------------

Sort of an odd request, but is there a version of Fett’s prop file that does not contain the Choreography or Edit modes? No offense to Fett, I love his work, but I don’t use those functions and I was hoping to add some more elaborate blade styles with the extra space. I would use sa22c’s prop file (as Fett’s is based on that), but it doesn’t seem to perform the same as Fett’s prop file (e.i. - swing sounds are choppier).

I am moderately informed on c++, but the prop file is incredibly detailed and I’m not really sure how to achieve what I want. Thanks for any help!