Error when flashing board

Amazing. I am so grateful for all your help so far. I did not think I would have encountered this much trouble uploading 3 fonts! If I can successfully upload to my board, we can forget about CDC data. I haven’t noticed anything else acting funky.
My config does have DISABLE_DIAGNOSTIC_COMMANDS. For the time being, should I comment it out in order to run the test?

Comment it out.
If it still builds, there is no need to have it.
If it doesn’t build (because it runs out of memory), make a copy of your config file, then delete a few of the presets temporarily while you are testing the sd card.

Ok. I commented it out but when I type sdtest into the serial monitor message box I still do not get an output.

Do you see any output from the proffieboard in the serial monitor window?
Do any of the other serial monitor commands work? (like pwd, beep or top)
Did you upload (successfully) after commenting out DISABLE_DIAGNOSTIC_COMMANDS ?
Is the right port selected in Arduino → Tools → Port?

Ah I did not upload after saving the new config file. I’ll try that right now.

Interesting. This time when I tried to upload I got this:
c:/users/jacob/appdata/local/arduino15/packages/proffieboard/tools/arm-none-eabi-gcc/9-2020-q2-update/bin/…/lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/9.3.1/…/…/…/…/arm-none-eabi/bin/ld.exe:C:\Users\jacob\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\proffieboard\hardware\stm32l4\3.6\variants\STM32L433CC-ProffieboardV2/linker_scripts/STM32L433CC_FLASH.ld:224: warning: memory region `SRAM2’ not declared
Sketch uses 198312 bytes (75%) of program storage space. Maximum is 262144 bytes.

This typically means that you have the wrong port, or that the port isn’t working.
If the port isn’t working for some reason, you need to use BOOT+RESET to put the board in bootloader mode before uploading.

Got it. I will just do bootloader mode since I know thats worked previously.

Time to open files: Average time: 12810.44 us


x100us 1 2 3 4 5
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
Time to read blocks: Average speed: 1358.64 kb/s, 15.40 simultaneous audio streams.

I’m guessing this is the important thing we are after.

Sorry it pasted the little graph in a weird way.

So I went through and updated my sd card with my new fonts and everything and did a successful upload of the new config but I still get “font directory not found” when I go to select a new font in the soundbank selection followed by a beep and the saber not turning on anymore.

I managed to fix the crackly sounds by formatting the sd card. It was already set to FAT32 but doing it again seemed to work lol

This is fine, if all fonts work this well, it shouldn’t be a problem.

This is a bit high and could be part of the problem.
This can happen if you put your fonts in sub-sub-sub-sub directories, or if you have added and removed files from an SD card a lot of times without ever formatting it. It can also occur if you simply have a LOT of directories in the top directory of your SD card. If that is the case, using sub-directories can actually help.

Since files aren’t opened super-often, long open times shouldn’t result in “crackling” though. It would be more likely to lead to pops when a new effect is started, or when the hum or swing files loop around.

Maybe a video of your crackling problem would be helpful in identifying it.

Try the pwd and effects command in the serial monitor.
They will tell you what fonts it’s actually looking for, and what effects it found.

Sorry I took a break. I’ve been fidgeting with this thing all day. The “pwd” and “effects” commands seem to show that the saber is recognizing the kylo font and has no trouble accessing its effects. When I type cd directory, the saber plays a distorted version of the “directory not found” effect.

No need to aplogize. I chose an asynchrous medium for these discussions for a reason. :slight_smile:

It could also be that you use the fett263 prop and forgot to put “;common” in the font path?

No I am not using the fett263 prop but sabertrios own prop which includes “;common” in the font path. I did delete some of the default fonts on the saber but I don’t believe that would be a problem. I made sure the new fonts were set up the way the other sabertrio ones were, such as moving the “hum” and “font” files into their own folders. The config file uses fett263 blade styles from his OS6 library which all the stock fonts use as well.

I’ve been messing with this again today and took the original fonts and config and replaced 3 of the files with my new fonts. I then went and renamed the folders and changed their names in the config. Still gives me the “font directory not found” sound and “cd directory” in the serial monitor returns this:
Scanning sound font: directory NOT FOUND!
Activating polyphonic font.
Unmounting SD Card.

So what does the preset that doesn’t work look like?
Does it match the directory that’s on the SD card?
I suppose it’s possible that the sabertrio prop is triggering the error, but that seems unlikely.

They do match exactly. I have them labeled the exact same way all the sabertrio labels their fonts which is “#-FONTNAME”.