Editing Temporary Files - Overview and Clarification

This one will also have a TMP file.

This used to be true, but from ProffieOS 7.x, there is a new save file format, and ProffieOS will alternate between saving to the new files. A lot more information about that is available here:

This page is unfortunately outdated as you need to “unlock” the files before you can edit them.
NoSloppy has a program for that.

Are you sure it doesn’t say -1.00 ?

-1 is used to mean “not set, just use whatever is in the config file”.
If you want to override it, set it to a number in pixels. However, that number cannot be higher than what your saber is configured for, only shorter.

If you want to use dynamic blade length, I suggest using 144 as the length if your config file and the configure it for something shorter in the ini file.