"Edit Mode" and other additions for ProffieOS6

Are you guys going to upload all the menu prompts for edit mode somewhere? THe sound files. ALso, you stated they had to be in a common folder in each font? I’m trying to read your prop file to figure it out before hand, as I assume beta on OS 6 will also be a beta of your prop file once we get rolling on that. Which may be after the 3.7 beta we’re currently on. Just trying to stay ahead.


Yes, Brian, Nosloppy has created the /common sound prompts and they will be provided with the OS to enable. I actually have all of the documentation nearly done to explain everything related to OS6. I was waiting for Fredrik to finish his review in case we had to change or modify anything significantly.
There’s a lot of documentation, particularly related to Edit Mode, as there will be specific style, font and preset and config requirements for the mode to run properly. Essentially to make Edit Mode as easy to use and provide the maximum benefit for the “end user” the initial config and upload has to handle everything but then the saber will be able to be fully customized going forward without the need to upload again. So rather than needing to do many uploads to fine tune and customize or change things you’ll put the effort into setting the saber up ahead and upload once. Then most customization, except for adding completely new styles, effects or features will be done directly on saber.
So all documentation will explain how to prep and enable everything.


I see no harm in making this available to check out :wink:



Well Brian, that was a lot of work too! Great options. Different voices too!!! You guys are nuts.


Well done you guys, been keeping track of this and this is an insane amount of love and devotion you’ve all put in!
This update will really set the proffieboard apart from all the competitors!
Cant wait to load this on my saber!

HOLY SHIT MAN, DIFFERENT LANGUAGES? damn dude, Brian you’re a god send.

just reading that prop file damn dude that’s extensive. not only is it long. i looked at my prop_base.h file and you REWROTE a lot of it. far out man.

Yup, over 6 months of work in that prop file.


Where can I find the prop file? I’m intrigued :thinking:

it’s in Pull Requests on github but it’s still being worked through so not a final.

Wow, huge compared to the previous one. Amazing work!!!

Thanks, yup a ton of work and months of R&D, testing and new ideas went into it.

It’s basically an entirely new user experience, the scale of what @Fett263 accomplished is very impressive.


Just loaded it up to give the menus a try. Obviously lots of the edit features need a dedicated blade style so couldn’t give all that a go. But the menu is very intuitive and give you so many options. Class!!!

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Yeah, it’s not really ready for testing. There’s specific formatting needed for your config, presets, styles and SD card to support the new functionality (in addition to all the required sounds).

We’ll announce when it’s actually ready and there will be a ton of documentation to read through before you’re able to use the features.


I assume it’ll be lots of file pathway stuff. Common folders etc. Might be hard to the less adventurous guys at first. I feel like I’ll be helping lots of people on the support page :joy:

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Spoken Color List and Spoke Blade Length additions for ProffieOS6

During an earlier iteration of Color Editing for OS6 I had built a spoken “Red, Green, Blue” menu but as I made changes and improvements to how Color Editing worked I had moved away from it. But recently I saw a post on TRA about having the colors spoken (for visually impaired users) and I dusted off the old code and Brian Conner provided me new menu sounds to allow us to add spoken Color names to the Color List. The Color List is a list of 26 built-in colors for both Color Editing and Color Change and now there will be an option to enable with FETT263_SAY_COLOR_LIST and have the colors spoken as you use the Color List to make it easier both for visually impaired and normal users to know the exact color they are selecting.
Color List Colors:
In addition, I also added a spoken pixel count to Edit Blade Length so that you are able to hear the number of pixels in your blade while making your edits.
We’re making a lot of progress on OS6 and these were just recent additions that I’ve added while working on getting the code finalized. Fredrik is working on a few more things and getting everything finalized so we’re definitely getting closer and trust me it’s going to be SO WORTH THE WAIT!
So much more to come… Enjoy!


I noticed that when I went into the color list edit mode I didn’t get the Color List option.

it went to a mod call smooth color mode I think. serial monitor shows it below.

19:48:31.540 -> Battery voltage: 0.11
19:48:31.540 -> Battery voltage: 0.11
19:48:31.540 -> Battery voltage: 0.10
19:48:31.540 -> Battery voltage: 0.10
19:48:31.540 -> Battery voltage: 0.10
19:48:31.540 -> Battery voltage: 0.10
19:48:31.540 -> Battery voltage: 0.10
19:48:31.540 -> Battery voltage: 0.10
19:48:31.540 -> EVENT: Clash millis=1586941
19:48:31.540 -> EVENT: Clash millis=1588469
19:48:31.540 -> EVENT: Swing mEVENT: Power-Pressed#1 millis=1638102
19:48:34.776 -> EVENT: Power-Pressed millis=1638102
19:48:35.041 -> Booster off.
19:48:35.075 -> EVENT: Power-Held#1 millis=1638403
19:48:35.075 -> EVENT: Power-Held millis=1638403
19:48:35.771 -> EVENT: Power-HeldMedium#1 millis=1639103
19:48:35.771 -> EVENT: Power-HeldMedium millis=1639103
19:48:36.766 -> EVENT: Power-HeldLong#1 millis=1640103
19:48:36.766 -> Enter Edit Mode
19:48:36.766 -> Saving Current Preset
19:48:36.832 -> Saving Gesture State
19:48:36.866 -> Ignition.
19:48:36.899 -> unit = 0 vol = 0.00, Playing Ixam_Letsi/hum01.wav
19:48:36.899 -> channels: 1 rate: 44100 bits: 16
19:48:36.899 -> unit = 4 vol = 0.50, Playing Ixam_Letsi/out/out05.wav
19:48:36.899 -> channels: 1 rate: 44100 bits: 16
19:48:36.899 -> humstart: 1800
19:48:36.899 -> unit = 2 vol = 0.00, Playing Ixam_Letsi/swingl/swingl01.wav
19:48:36.899 -> channels: 1 rate: 44100 bits: 16
19:48:36.899 -> unit = 3 vol = 0.00, Playing Ixam_Letsi/swingh/swingh01.wav
19:48:36.932 -> channels: 1 rate: 44100 bits: 16
19:48:36.932 -> Playing medit.wav, channels: 1 rate: 44100 bits: 16
19:48:36.965 -> Battery voltage: 0.17
19:48:37.364 -> EVENT: Power-Released#1 ON millis=1640691
19:48:37.364 -> EVENT: Power-Released ON millis=1640692
19:48:41.145 -> Playing Ixam_Letsi/swingl/swingl01.wav
19:48:41.145 -> channels: 1 rate: 44100 bits: 16
19:48:41.510 -> EVENT: ?47 ON millis=1644841
19:48:41.510 -> Playing mstyle.wav, channels: 1 rate: 44100 bits: 16
19:48:41.543 -> Audio underflows: 16
19:48:44.794 -> EVENT: ?47 ON millis=1648140
19:48:44.794 -> Playing mcolor.wav, channels: 1 rate: 44100 bits: 16
19:48:46.252 -> EVENT: Power-Pressed#1 ON millis=1649586
19:48:46.252 -> EVENT: Power-Pressed ON millis=1649586
19:48:46.418 -> EVENT: Power-Released#1 ON millis=1649765
19:48:46.418 -> EVENT: Power-Released ON millis=1649766
19:48:46.418 -> EVENT: Power-Shortclick#1 ON millis=1649766
19:48:46.418 -> EVENT: Power-Shortclick ON millis=1649766
19:48:46.551 -> EVENT: Power-SavedShortclick#1 ON millis=1649899
19:48:46.551 -> Style RAM = 1368
19:48:46.551 -> Entering smooth color change mode.
19:48:46.551 -> unit = 4 vol = 0.50, Playing Ixam_Letsi/ccbegin.wav
19:48:46.551 -> channels: 1 rate: 44100 bits: 16
19:48:46.584 -> Playing mselect.wav, channels: 1 rate: 44100 bits: 16
19:48:49.304 -> EVENT: Clash ON millis=1652628
19:48:49.669 -> Playing Ixam_Letsi/hum01.wav
19:48:49.669 -> channels: 1 rate: 44100 bits: 16
19:48:49.669 -> Playing Ixam_Letsi/swingh/swingh01.wav
19:48:49.669 -> channels: 1 rate: 44100 bits: 16
19:48:49.802 -> unit = 3 vol = 0.00, Playing Ixam_Letsi/swingl/swingl08.wav
19:48:49.802 -> channels: 1 rate: 44100 bits: 16
19:48:49.835 -> unit = 2 vol = 0.00, Playing Ixam_Letsi/swingh/swingh08.wav
19:48:49.835 -> channels: 1 rate: 44100 bits: 16

is that to do with the preset not having the color list enabled? or is there something else I need to do to make the color list available?

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Which style did you use? Edit Colors only works for Edit Mode enabled styles.


the styles are from OS 5.9, I don’t know how to make the os 6 styles yet. is there any documentation on that yet?

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