Crystal Chamber Styles

Hey again! I got the KR Kestis hilt for Christmas and I’m working on installing it. Figured I’d go ahead and start working on my config/blade styles, so I started setting up the Jedi Survivor presets on the Fett263 library. It’s all pretty simple until I got to party mode. I got everything I want set up except for the crystal - I’d like for the crystal to pulse dim-on when the blade is off, using the blade color but a dimmer version of it (so it uses the last used party color). Is this possible? I didn’t see a black shift option under the color type settings under blade off behavior.

I’ll have to get Black Shift added to the dropdown. Working on some big updates but I’ll try to get it added.


Alright, thanks! No rush, but do you know roughly how long it will take?

Looks like “Dim Pulse” and a bunch of the new Color Types are part of the Phase 3 Early Access Library, so technically they are already available if you need it asap, just sign up as an Early Access Patron.

If all goes to plan with what I’m currently building it’ll be maybe a week or two, but I still have a good amount of work before it’s done and tested before I can prep to launch, so I don’t have a hard ETA but hopefully a week or two give or take.

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Alright, I just set up a style using the early access library - a slider for amount did not appear when I selected black shift for match on color, but I got it to work by setting up the same colors for a “kyber select” mode like the main blade when off.

New development - I did not use black shift - only dimmed versions of the colors in kyber select, and this (along with the method mentioned earlier) produced a few error messages when trying to compile the config - something about overdrive colors. I can paste the messages if you like.
EDIT: I recreated the exact same style on Phase 2, and it compiled and uploaded just fine.

The slider should have shown for Black Shift, what other options were selected?

Match ON is only a single color, when using Kyber Select or Multi-Phase you want to use that same color option as it let’s you set all of the colors to match accordingly using the same method as the ON effect uses.

Post the style code the library produced and I can see what caused.

Glad to hear but that means there’s a bug in Phase 3, if you can send the style code that produced the error I can track it down.

/* copyright Fett263 JediSurvivor (Crystal Chamber) OS7 Style
OS7.14 v3.52c
Single Style
Style Option
Off Behavior: Slow Pulse Dim-On [Color: Match ON Color]

Base Color: Kyber Select - BaseColorArg - AltColorArg - AltColor2Arg - AltColor3Arg - Rgb<255,0,255> - Rgb<255,68,0> - Rgb<115,15,240> - Rgb<100,100,150> - Rgb<180,130,0> (0)
Kyber Select Interactive Control: While Blade is On, use selected Special Ability to change color (Phase). Requires Alt Font.

*This style REQUIRES Alt Fonts alt000/ to alt008/ to be set up. Uses altchng.wav on change.
See for more information.
--Effects Included--
Ignition Effect: Instant [Color: IgnitionColorArg]
PowerUp Effect: Power Flash [Color: IgnitionColorArg]
Retraction Effect: Cycle Down [Color: RetractionColorArg]
Lockup Effect:
0: crystalLockMulti0Shape - Begin: Real Clash - Style: Intensity AudioFlicker - End: Full Blade Absorb
[Color: LockupColorArg]
Lightning Block Effect:
0: crystalLBMulti0Shape - Begin: Responsive Impact - Style: Strobing AudioFlicker - End: Full Blade Absorb
[Color: LBColorArg]
Drag Effect: NoneMelt Effect: NoneBlast Effect: Full Blade Blast Fade [Color: BlastColorArg]
Clash Effect: Flash on Clash (Full Blade) [Color: ClashColorArg]
Special Ability 1: Next Phase
Special Ability 2: Previous Phase
Special Ability 3: Select Random Phase
Special Ability 4: Toggle Swing Change (Random / Party Mode) Uses tr00.wav or tr/000/000.wav on toggle (mechanical or menu sound)


This is the blade style I made in Phase 3 that didn’t work.

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Thanks, I have fixed. There was an unnecessary layer being added with the Kyber Select option. You’ll need to refresh the library to get the updated scripts. It should work as expected now.