Config Compiles and Uploads but

I believe I am getting a successful compile and upload of my config but upon upload completion I am getting an audio message that I do not see listed in the documentation that I have found. the error message sounds like " Authori File too long". in the past I have heard the error message that is show on wiki page, “file directory too long” and the message I am getting sounds different. The message comes across clear (not crackly).

Im not getting any lights on main blade, shtok v3 neopix PCB (config V4), or switch led. Im not getting any sound out of the speaker except the error message and some beeps when from my aux switch when I enter volume menu.
I have stripped my congfig down to one bladestyle/sound font. My SD card has only two folders, one named “scavdes” the other “tracks” which has only one .wav file in it.
I am out of ideas. Im seeking guidance from the smart folks.
It seems like the config compiles and uploads with no issues (excluding the audio error message at the end of upload) . I can provide the post upload Arduino output pagei if it would help.

Im using KR Pix STRIP V2 Blade, Proffie V2.2, LED power switch, non led aux switch. shtok v3 connector )(V4 config with 2 data wires ( 330ohm R1 installed and R2 removed). 22AWG throughout except speakers and Data1 and Data 2 are 26AWG.

I can provide wiring info or anything else if necessary.

Any help would be much apprecieated. Config below:

#include "proffieboard_v2_config.h"
#define NUM_BLADES 3
#define NUM_BUTTONS 2
#define VOLUME 1800
const unsigned int maxLedsPerStrip = 144;
#define ENABLE_WS2811
#define ENABLE_SD
#define SA22C_SWING_ON
#define SA22C_TWIST_ON
#define SA22C_THRUST_ON
#define SA22C_TWIST_OFF
#define SA22C_FORCE_PUSH
#define SA22C_LOCKUP_DELAY 200
#define MOTION_TIMEOUT 60 * 15 * 1000
#define IDLE_OFF_TIME 60 * 10 * 1000
#define SAVE_STATE


#include "../props/SABER_SA22C_BUTTONS.H"


Preset presets[] = {

{"scavdes", "tracks/track1.wav",




BladeConfig blades[] = {
{ 0, WS281XBladePtr<232, bladePin, Color8::GRB, PowerPINS<bladePowerPin2, bladePowerPin3>>

WS281XBladePtr<16, blade2Pin, Color8::GRB, PowerPINS<bladePowerPin2, bladePowerPin3>>

SimpleBladePtr<CreeXPE2RedTemplate<1>, NoLED, NoLED, NoLED, bladePowerPin6, -1, -1, -1>


Button PowerButton(BUTTON_POWER, powerButtonPin, "pow");
Button AuxButton(BUTTON_AUX, auxPin, "aux");


Thank you very much

The serial monitor output display Cut and paste below.

tery voltage: 4. ON millis=3999027
EVENT: Power-Pressed ON 4.06
Battery voltage: 4.06
Battery v1 ON millis=3999294
EVENT: Power-Releasedry voillis=3999294
EVENT: Power-Sh4.06
Battery voltag=3999294
EVENT: Power-Shortclick ON millis=3999294

EVENT: Power-Pressedtclick#1 ON millis=3999328
EVENT: Power-SavedShortclick9027
eleased#1 ON millis=39
EVENT: Power-Rel0.72} diff={-0.28, -3.01, 0.61} v=3.08 fgl=0lick#1 ON millis=3999212, 1.91} clear=0 millis=4007905 swing_speed=21.02 mss={-0.81, 13.82, 13.72} stab=0
EVENT: Clash ON millis=4007906
hortclick ON millis=39o sounds found: clash
EVENT: Push ON millis=-4.00, 0.72} diff={-0.28, -3.01Audio underflows: 1
11 accel_={-0.51, -1.12, 1.91} clear=03.46} diff={-1.10, -1.36, 3.36} v=3.79 fgl=1, 13.82, 13.72} stab=0
EVENT: Clasear=0 millis=4008138 swing_speed= = 0.00, No sounds found: clash
EVENT: Push ON millN millis=4008138
nds found: hum
Audio o sounds found: clash
No sounds found: hum0, -2.35, 3.46} diff={-1.10, -1.36, 3.36} v=3.79 fgl=0.15 acc
l_={-0.78, -0.09, 2.19.10} diff={2.34, -2.51, 1.29} v=3.67 fgl=0 mss={-1.38, 9.61, 12.82} stab=0
EVENT: Clash ON mi68 swing_speed=17.22 mss={13.4200, No sounds found: clash
No ash ON millis=hum
Audio underflows: 1
Amplio sounds found: clash
No sounds found: hum.24, -3.50, 1.10} dif
{2.34, -2.51, 1.29} v=3.67 fgl=0.10 ac
el_={1.59, -2.33, 0.8243} diff={4.30, 0.68, -0.53} v=4.38 fgl=0.96 accel_=2, -7.35, 5.04} stab=0
EVENT: Clash044348 swing_speed=
unit = 0 vol = 0.00, No sounds found: clash
No sounds found: hum
o underflows: 1
Amplio sounds found: clash
No sounds found: hum.00, 0.61, 0.43} diff={4.30, 0.68, -0.53} v=4.38 fgl=0.96 acc millis=4048428
0.26} clear=0 millis=4044348 swing_speed=17llis=4049719
, -2.36, -10.67} stab=llis=4050755
unit = 1 vol o sounds found: hum
Entering Battle Mode
ound: hum
Audio underAudio underflows: 1
EVENT: Twist ON millis=4042.53} diff={-0.45, 1.44, -3.47} v=3.78 fgl=ist millis=4049719
EVENT: Twist millis=40507577 swing_speed=73.45 mss={-4.83, , No sounds found: humEVENT: Clashattle Mode
No sounds found: hum
Audio underflows: 1
ifier off.
ACCEL: {-02.90} diff={-0.56, 4.32, -3.85} v=5.82 fgl= v=3.78 fgl=0.38 accel_={-1.08, 1.29, -1.27} cle062200 swing_speed= swing_speed=73.45 mss={-4.83, 13.52, -10.67} stab=0
EVENT:4.00} diff={-0.01, 4.32, -4.95} v=6.57 fgl=attery voltage: 4.06
ACCEL: {-0.71, 4.00, -2.90} diff={-0.56, 4.32, -.715} v=5.82 fgl=0.29 accel_={0.16, 1.35, -0.81} clear=0 mil3.49} diff={0.89, 3.68, -2.53} v=4.56 fgl=.20, -9.49} stab=0
ACCEL: {-0.17, 4.00, -4.00} dif62204 swing_speed=.95} v=6.57 fgl=0.26 accel_={-0.71, 4.00, -2.90} clsh ON millis=4062204
wing_speed=48.71 mss={-1.17, 25.76, -230} diff={0.65, 4.30, 0.02} v=4.35 fgl=0.3iff={0.89, 3.68, -2.53} v=4.56 fgl=10 millis=4064955 swing_speed=41.77 mss= millis=4062204 swing_speed=218.03 mss={-0N millis=1, -51.06} stab=0
EVENT: Clash ON millis=406220=4065085
er off.
ACCEL: {1.05, 3.42, 0.30} dif.92} diff={1.46, -3.56, 0.03} v=3.84 fgl=0_={0.46, -0.71, -0.83} clear=0 millis=406millis=4065346 swing_speed=114.74 mss={-15.13, -6.39, -9.37} stab=0
ON millis=4064956
EVENT: Swing ON millis=4065085
ACCEL: {1.05, -3.75, 0.92} diff={1.4.00} diff={-0.35, -3.36, 3.26} v=4.69 fgl=.40, -1.35, -0.05} clear=0 millis=4ear=0 millis=4068273 swing_speed=97.73 mss={-1.44, } stab=0
EVENT: Swing ON millis=4065476
EVENT: Swing ON millis=4066952
A2.00} diff={-0.54, -3.39, 1.19} v=3.63 fgl=diff={-0.35, -3.36, 3.26} v=4.69 fgear=0 millis=4074292 swing_speed=4.46 mss={-0.12, -4.58,  swing_stab=0
7.73 mss={-1.44, 2.18,=4078416
EVENT: Clash ON millis=4068274
ACCEL: {-0.58, -4.00, 2.00} diff=
-0.54, -3.39, 1.19} v=.93} diff={1.19, 0.93, -2.84} v=3.22 fgl=0clear=0 millis=4074292 swing_speed=4.0 millis=4084014 swing_speed=stab=0
EVENT: Swing ON millis=4078416
Amplifier off.
ON millis=4079744
Battery voltage: 4.06
ACCEL: {1.0 ON millis=4097952
EVENT: Power-Pressed ON3.22 fgl=0.05 accel_={0.43, 1.26, -0.581 ON millis=4098189
EVENT: Power-Releasedmss={0.69, 9.31, -8.88ENT: Power-Shortclick#ON millis=4084015
EVEVENT: Power millis=4084025

EVENT: Power-Pressedtclick#1 ON millis=4098253
EVENT: Power-SavedShortclick7952
eleased#1 ON millis=40
EVENT: Power-Rel=4105422
EVENT: Power-Shortclick ON millis=4108185
EVENT: Power-Pressed ON millis=4108185
EVENT: Power-Save millis=4108486
EVENT: Power-Held ON millis=-SavedShortclick ON millis=40981 ON millis=4108521
EVENT: Power-ReleasedN millis=4105422
AmplENT: Power-Longclick#wer-Pressed#1 ON millis=4108185
EVEngclick ON millis=4108522
EVENT: Power2.25} diff={-1.05, -3.00, 2.13} v=3.83 fgl=d ON millis=4108486
EVENT: Power-Rlear=0 millis=4115037 swing_speed=113.58 mss={-1.10, 3.05lis=410} stab=0
EVENT: Clash ON millis=N millis=4108522
EVENT: Power-Longclick ON mil=4117517
ACCEL: {-1.13, -4.00, 2.25} diff={-1.71} diff={-0.83, -3.00, 1.62} v=3.51 fgl=-0.25, -0.76, -0.11} clear=0 millisear=0 millis=4118563 swing_speed=-1.10, 3.05, -2.39} stab=0
EVENT: Clash ON millis=4ON millis=4118563
EVENT: Swing ON millis=4117517
plifier off.
ACCEL: {=4126261
00, 1.71} diff={-0.83, -3.00, 1.62} v==4126795
.55 accel_={-0.14, -0.95, 0.08} clear==4132857
118563 swing_speed=61.47 mss={-0.29, 1=4133434
} stab=0
EVENT: Clash ON millis=4118563.33} diff={-0.27, 0.98, 3.28} v=3.44 fgl=0VENT: Swing ON millis13, 2.52} clear=0 millis=4136975 swing_speed=47.81 mss={-2.91, 6.00, 20.63} stab=0
EVENT: Clash ON millis=4136975
EVENT: Swing ON=4136987
Amplifier off.
-3.68} diff={-0.15, 0.48, -3.70} v=3.73 fgl=0.6 3.28} v=3.44 fgl=0.47, -0.75} clear=0 millis=4137021 swing_speed=118.05 mss={-6.07, -0.38, -11.57} stab=0
, 20.63} stab=0
EVENT:.06} diff={-3.47, 0.46, -1.05} v=3.66 fgl=millis=4136987
ACCEL: {-0 -3.68} clear=0 millis=4137023 swing_speed=83.98 mss={-5.19, 2.17, -24.37} stab=1
 -0.75} clear=0 millis=4137025
wing_speed=118.05 mss=-4.00} diff={-0.65, -1.22, -4.01} v=4.24 fgl=1.46, 1.06} diff={-3.47, 0.46, -1.05} v=3.66 fis=4137034 swing_speed=96.32, -3.68} clear=0 mill1s=4137023 swing_speed=83.98 mss={-5.19, 2.17, -24.2.06} diff={-0.34, -3.00, 1.99} v=3.62 fgl=ACCEL: {-0.55, -2.22, -4.00} diff={-ar=0 millis= -4.01} v=4.24 fgl=0.4.57 mss={{-0.26, -0.72, -2.11} clear=0 millis=4137034 swin1.12} diff={-0.24, -3.00, 1.05} v=3.19 fgl=b=0
Amplifier off.
ACCEL: {-0.36, ear=0 millis=4138790 swing_speed=32.88 mss={-3.90, 4.00, 5.33} stab=0
-3.16, 0.64} clear=0 m
llis=4138779 swing_spe ON millis=4146059
EVENT: Power-Pressed ONCEL: {-0.27, -4.00, 1.12} diff={-0.24,  millis=4146360
EVENT: Power-Held ON millis=2146360
0} clear=0 millis=41381 ON millis=4146398
EVENT: Power-Released33} stab=0
Battery voltage: 1.91
EVENT: P ON millis=4149999
EVENT: Power-Pressed ONwer-Pressed ON millis=4146059
EVENT: P1 ON millis=4150053
EVENT: Power-Releasedr-Held ON millis=4
EVENT: Power-Shortclick#1ed#1 ON millis=4146398ENT: Power-Shortclick ON millis=4150053

EVENT: Power-Pressed ON millis=4150263
EVENT: Power-Pressed ONON millis=4149999
EVENT: Power-Releaseods Power ON millis=4150522
EVENT: Aux-Pressed millis=4150053millis=4150522
hortclick#1 ON millis=ds PowerAux ON millis=4150564
EVENT: Power4150053
EVENT: PowerN millis=4150564
EVENT: Powmods PowerAux ON millis=4150794
EVENT: Auxessed#1 mods Power ONux ON millis=4150794
EVENT: Auxsed mods Power ON  Power ON millis=4150794
er-Held#2 mods PowerAu2 ON millis=4150892
EVENT: Power-Releaseds PowerAux ON millis=4150564
EVENT: Aux-RN millis=4155167
EVENT: Aux-Pressed ON millis=T: Aux-Released mods PowerAux OON millis=4155367
EVENT: Aux-Released ON millis=4155368
EVENT: Aux-Shortclick#ower-Released#2 ON milVENT: Aux-Shortclick ON millis=4155368
EVENT: Alick#1 ON millis=4155468
EVENT: Aux-Presso sounds found: blaster
No sounds found: 1 ON millis=4155367
EVENT: Aux-Released ON millis=4155368
EVEN ON millis=4159519
EVENT: Power-Pressed ONT: Aux-Shortclick ON millis=4155368
EV1 ON millis=4159754
EVENT: Power-Released68
unit = 1 vol = 0.0ENT: Power-Shortclick#aster
No sounds foundVENT: Power- underflows: 1

EVENT: Power-Pressedtclick#1 ON millis=4159820
EVENT: Power-SavedShortclick9519
eleased#1 ON millis=41
EVENT: Power-Rel4.00} diff={-3.96, -3.69, 3.00} v=6.19 fgl=click#1 ON millis=4159754
EVENT: Por=0 millis=4164902 swing_speed=141.55 mss={-5.86, 11.94, 5.59} stab=0
EVENT: Clash ON millis=4164903
Shortclick ON millis=4159820
Battery 4.00} diff={4.01, -3.97, -4.99} v=7.54 fgl=diff={-3.96, -3.69, 3.00} v=6.19 fgar=0 millis=4167019 swing_speed=227.27 mss={10.29, 3.69, -7.99} stab=0
EVENT: Clash ON millis=4167020
EVENT: Clash ON millis=4164903
ACCEL: {4.00, -4.00, -4.00} diff=
4.01, -3.97, -4.99} v= ON millis=4180260
EVENT: Power-Pressed ONear=0 millis=4167019 swing_speed=227.271 ON millis=4180555
EVENT: Power-Released ON millis=4180555
EVENT: Power-off.
EVENT: Swing ON =4180555
EVENT: Power-Shortclick ON millis=4180555

EVENT: Power-Pressedtclick#1 ON millis=4180561
EVENT: Power-SavedShortclick0260
eleased#1 ON millis=412.80} diff={-0.74, -3.11, 2.32} v=3.95 fgl=0.6
EVENT: Power-Shortclick#1 ON millis=4180555
EV135 swing_speed=click ON millis=4180555
EVENT: Power-SavedShortcli ON millis=4182135
EVENT: Power-SavedShortclick ON miN millis=4189164
EVENT: Aux-Pressed ON millis={-0.74, -3.11, 2.32} v=3.95 fglON millis=4189387
EVENT: Aux-Released ON millis=4182135 swing_speed=103.73 mss=N millis=4192139
EVENT: Aux-Pressed ON millis=lis=4182135
Amplifier off.
EVON millis=4192323
EVENT: Aux-Released ON millis=Pressed ON mill Aux-Shortclick#1 ON millis=4192323
EVENT: Aux-Shortclick ON millis=4192323
EVENT: Alick#1 ON millis=4192440
EVENT: Aux-Presso sounds found: blaster
No sounds found: 1 ON millis=4192323
EVENT: Aux-Released ON millis=4192323
EVEN ON millis=4195173
EVENT: Power-Pressed ON millis=4195173
 ON millis=4192323
EV1 ON millis=4195450
EVENT: Power-Released40
unit = 0 vol = 0.0ENT: Power-Shortclick#aster
No sounds foundVENT: 
Audio underflows: 1

EVENT: Power-Pressedtclick#1 ON millis=4195474
EVENT: Power-SavedShortclick ON millis=4195474
eleased#1 ON millis=41N millis=4196492
EVENT: Aux-Pressed ON millis=
EVENT: Power-Shortclick#1 ON millis=4196793
EVENT: Aux-Held ON millis=4196793=4195450
EVENT: Power-S mods Aux ON millis=4196804
EVENT: Power-Pressed mods Aux ON millis=4196804195474
EVENT: Aux-Pressds PowerAux ON millis=4197105
EVENT: PowerON millis=4196492
EVN millis=4197105
EVENTmods PowerAux ON millis=4197124
EVENT: AuxPressed#1 mods Aux ONux ON millis=4197124
EVENT: Aux-Longclick#1 mods Power ON millis=4197124
EVENT: Aux-Longclick mods Power ON millis=4197124
Power-Held mods PowerA1 ON millis=4197148
EVENT: Power-Released1 mods PowerAux ON milENT: Power-Longclick#1x-Released mods PowerAENT: Power-s=4197124 ON millis=4197148
ck#1 mods Power ON mil
EVENT: Aux-2.26} diff={-0.21, -3.00, -2.13} v=3.68 fgl=T: Power-Released#1 ON millis=4197148
EVENT: Power-Released speed=lis=4197148
EVENT: Power-Longclick#1 ON millis=41 ON millis=T: Power-Longclick ON millis=4197148
Battery v
ltage: 1.91
.22, -4.00, -2.26} dif
={-0.21, -3.00, -2.13}
v=3.68 fgl=0.45 accel_
{0.23, -4.00, 0.66} cl
ar=0 millis=4200843 sw
ng_speed=64.66 mss={0.
1, -20.83, 6.23} stab=

EVENT: Clash ON milli

Copyright 2005-2009 Weston Schmidt, Harald Welte and OpenMoko Inc.
Copyright 2010-2016 Tormod Volden and Stefan Schmidt
This program is Free Software and has ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY
Please report bugs to

Opening DFU capable USB device...
ID 0483:df11
Run-time device DFU version 011a
Claiming USB DFU Interface...
Setting Alternate Setting #0 ...
Determining device status: state = dfuERROR, status = 10
dfuERROR, clearing status
Determining device status: state = dfuIDLE, status = 0
dfuIDLE, continuing
DFU mode device DFU version 011a
Device returned transfer size 2048
DfuSe interface name: "Internal Flash  "
Downloading to address = 0x08000000, size = 174248
Download	[=========================] 100%       174248 bytes
Download done.
File downloaded successfully
Transitioning to dfuMANIFEST state
1 Like

So your error is likely “Blade array too long” because your blade config defines a blade length of 232, but your maxLedsPerStrip up top is still only 144. That needs to be at least as long as the blade actual pixel count.
However, if you have the V2 of the KR pixel stick, it is not wired in series as the V1 was, so you want to just treat it as a typical back-to-back strip setup where they are wired in parallel. That means you only need to count 1 strip because the other is basically mirrored from the first.
So you might want to try 116 instead of 232 for your main blade count in the BladeConfig array, the the maxLedsPerStrip up top can be left at the default 144.

I will give it a shot. Thanks

I tried 116, 132, 144 and had no change. the error message may be saying that but it doesnt sound like it. Not sure if it will work but can i post a link to a recording of the error message or attach the file itself (.wav is 1.1 MB and mp3 is 278KB)

some of the time the serial monitor says no sound found other ties it finds sound

It might help to just try bare bones defaults to test for a minute to make sure it’s not your wiring.
You could stick your whole ProffieOS folder aside (rename it to something like MY_ProffieOS temporarily)
Then redownload a fresh copy of OS5.9,
double click the new ProffiieOS.ino file to open it in Arduino and just hit upload.

sounds like a good idea. I will try.

The only error message that exists that has “too long” in it is, “font directory too long”. It’s possible the sound is getting truncated or something, but there is no other error message like that anywhere in the ProffieOS code.

Now, the config file you show can’t produce that error message, because the font directory is not too long. So maybe you need to check that your ProffieOS.ino is actually using the right config file?

One foolprooof way to check this is to put a deliberate error in your config file. For instance, you could set NUM_BLADES to 1. If your compile and upload still works, then the file you’re editing isn’t the one that is actually getting uploaded.

Now, if you still think you’re getting a different error message, record a video and upload it to youtube and post the link. That way we can help you determine what the error message actually is.

oops. That would be “Error in blade array”, not what I wrote, sorry.

No problemo. This, if nothing else, will be a great learning experience. I appreciate everyone’s time and help. I’m going to get back at it when I get home

Ok I will do the test to determine when I get home. I did create a new config from your website and stripped it down to one blade style/font and reformatted sd , then repopulated with only two folders, a tracks folder that contains only one .wav file and one font folder that I repopulated with contents from my working Graflex font folder. I also was able to run “sd test” on serial monitor and got results but I didn’t know how to decipher. I saved it though and can post if it will help determine anything. I appreciate your time and help

I think you have identified at least one of my issues. I purposely inserted an error as you suggested and it stilly compiled and uploaded successfully. So next step is to uninstall Arduino/ProffieOS and then download/install the latest and give it a run? Im 99% sure I deleted zadig right after I used it the first time so I wouldn’t accidently install twice but I need to make sure. Do I need to delete any folders once uninstall.

I havent posted a video on youtube before I will try. I did record it as a .mp3 and could try posting a link or attach the file. I think its 700KB or maybe 200KB. I totally believe you about the error message (you would know better than any of us, but it sure sounds like its saying something else or the words are ordered differently. I, unfortunately, have heard the 'font directory too long" multiple times (this week)lol. Its could be distorted trons rearranged… phonetically it sounds like “ATHORI BLADE TOO LONG” . Now Im just curious.

No need for all that. You just need to make sure the #define CONFIG_FILE line that you edit in Arduino is pointing to the file you are editing.


How do I check to see as to where it is pointing?
Do I goto “Sketch” Tab and then “Show Sketch in Folder”?

No sir. The file that is open in Arduino is ProffieOS.ino which lives in the ProffieOS folder. The path in the #define line is relative to that location, so “config/my_saber.h” is pointing the OS to look down that path for the file.
So it looks at where we currently are (we are in the ProffieOS folder)
Then looks for a subfolder called config,
then looks inside there for the file named my_saber.h.

So you just need to make sure that the file you are editing is located down the path you told it to look.

Check this out for more explaining:

ok that makes sense.

Is there suppose to be files, other than "my_saber.h", in the config folder?  I noticed I had  multiple files in the config folder but only one named "my_saber.h". I wasnt sure if the other file are used or if they could be removed.

Thanks for the link. I find myself digging deeper into all of this and forgetting about the basics, as well as, the resources available. The The Wiki is and awesome, well written, resource.

Yes, other files belong in there. Some are there for you to check out for examples or to try out, while some of them, such as proffieboard_config.h are required, so you’re better off not removing anything. Adding to the folder is fine.