Compiling ProffieOS for Teensy 4.0 with neopixels

Where should kinetis.h be coming from?

/Volumes/Pegasus R4i/Software/Sabers/Teensy40/ProffieOS/ProffieOS.ino:157:21: fatal error: kinetis.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
Error compiling for board Teensy 4.0.
#include "v3_config.h"
#define NUM_BLADES 1
#define NUM_BUTTONS 2
#define VOLUME 2200
const unsigned int maxLedsPerStrip = 26;
#define ENABLE_WS2811
#define ENABLE_SD

Preset presets[] = {
  { "TeensySF", "tracks/mars.wav",
    StyleNormalPtr<CYAN, WHITE, 300, 800>(), "cyan"},
  { "TeensySF", "tracks/mars.wav",
    StylePtr<InOutSparkTip<EASYBLADE(BLUE, WHITE), 300, 800> >(), "blue"},
  { "TeensySF", "tracks/mars.wav",
    StyleNormalPtr<RED, WHITE, 300, 800>(), "red"},
  { "TeensySF", "tracks/mars.wav",
    StylePtr<InOutHelper<EASYBLADE(OnSpark<GREEN>, WHITE), 300, 800> >(), "green"},
  { "TeensySF", "tracks/mars.wav",
    StyleNormalPtr<WHITE, RED, 300, 800, RED>(), "white"},
  { "TeensySF", "tracks/mars.wav",
    StyleNormalPtr<AudioFlicker<YELLOW, WHITE>, BLUE, 300, 800>(), "yellow"},
  { "TeensySF", "tracks/mars.wav",
    StylePtr<InOutSparkTip<EASYBLADE(MAGENTA, WHITE), 300, 800> >(), "magenta"},
  { "TeensySF", "tracks/mars.wav",
    StyleStrobePtr<WHITE, Rainbow, 15, 300, 800>(), "strobe"}
BladeConfig blades[] = {
{0, WS2811BladePtr<26, WS2811_ACTUALLY_800kHz | WS2811_GRB>(), CONFIGARRAY(presets) },

Button PowerButton(BUTTON_POWER, powerButtonPin, "pow");
Button AuxButton(BUTTON_AUX, auxPin, "aux");

v3_config.h is for a TeensySaber3 + Teensy3 setup.

Try replacing it with this file:

v4_config.h (2.8 KB)

Also, please note that the I2S pins are different on Teensy4. (Which also affects some other pins.)

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That v4 file made all the difference… Ill re-wire it all up and report back.

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