I was doing some testing for ProffieOS master 8 from Git-hub and the control for the Volume Menu didnt occur. What I did was hold power + clashed , the saber then made the force.wav sound and the saber ignited. According to the props/saber_fett263_buttons.h the gesture sleep and the volume control are hold power and clash.
So I reverted back to latest release (7.14) and try to use the volume menu but that also didnt work with the same behaviour. My fear was that board was busted. I tested the clash threshold on G = 3 G = 2.8 G = 1. I still couldn’t use the volume menu or gesture sleep menu.
To ensure that the clash detection on the board wasn’t broken i turn it on and confirmed the clashes would happen with the blade and without it.
I will download a new os from the latest is there anything on my config that I should look at.
Force is a triple click, is it possible there’s an issue with the button? It’d be hard to do a triple click when you’re trying to keep the button held.
so for this issue and the os8 testing I got a usb to ttl so that I can connect the pins to the laptop. it’s coming within a few weeks from amazon, I’ll be able to do more testing without a usb. though if my button is busted all that testing will be for naught.