Saber base has EFFECT(chhum) but I can’t find anything on it.
Just never got used yet?
It’s in effect.h, not saber_base.h
It’s used here:
It’s an alternative to the “altchng” sound. “altchng” is played over the sound when the hum changes, while “chhum” is before the new hum begins, with a gapless transition. (if present)
ah. ok cool , good to know thanks.
yes i meant effect.h
Ah okay so this is perfect for transitioning hums. In other words if the chhum sound is made to be a cross dissolve between the two hums, it can be used as a monophonic transition sound.
I haven’t had a chance to try it yet, but would it be difficult to use chhum also whenever a new hum is chosen such as when there are multiples in a font and they are not set to pair? (paired here meaning the same hum is played until next ignition)
If it could pair chhum to the correct hum, we could have chhum1 be a cross btw hum1 and hum2, chhum2 be a cross btw hum2 and hum3, and so on. That could be cool.
That’s not how multiple hums are supposed to work.
If you have multiple hums, they are supposed to all seamlessly loop any-to-any and chosen randomly to create randomness in the hum.
Ok got it.
chhum worked perfectly to replace a “monosfx” sound I was using for “Ice Blade”.
I used to have a sound named monosfx.wav that was triggered by a USER_EFFECT.
When played, it used PlayMonophonic
so that the hum would not be mixed underneath.
The sound itself was built with the hum fading out into a “frozen tundra” sort of sound with slow crackling ice (crushing a plastic bottle!), then when the “thaw” happens, it fades back into full hum again. This played seamlessly between hums and sounded right.
This worked well, but was very proprietary to my prop and having a properly constructed sound.
To bring it into the modern OS capabilities I could have gone about it 2 ways (spoiler: I chose the second)
- I could have tried to recreate the sound again and use it polyphonically (without the hum fading out and in as part of the ice) by naming it altchg.wav, then making a silent hum, and using alt001 for that. This may or may not have worked, I’m not sure what the overlap is and didn’t feel like starting a sound from scratch.
- Instead, I just used the sound as-is and simply renamed it chhum.wav.
I put identical copies of the hum in alt000 and alt001, and added one line to the bladestyle
Works beautifully! Nice to be able to do it officially. Thanks for the work on alt sounds.
Ha, amazing! As I frequent iceblade user I find this thread fascinating.
I think I understand the sound type dictating the sequence, but what does the code you added to the blade style give the user? Is this the new way to use a special ability control to freeze and melt a blade?
In plain English the code basically says " when EFFECT_USER2 is triggered, Do EFFECT_ALT_SOUND to switch to a different altNNN folder. Which alt sound to choose is dictated by a sequence triggered by an EFFECT, increasing by 1 each time USER2 is performed, for a maximum of 2. There’s a -1 offset to remember, so alt000 is choice 1, alt001 is choice 2 etc…
So effectively it’s just toggling 000 and 001.
If you had alt002 and 003 sounds as well, the max could be set to 4 and you’d roll through all 4 folders one at a time each time USER2 is performed.