I set up two colours to change between, and added the multphase define, but I cannot get the PWR+twist to do anything but turn off my blade. I feel like I missed something. Here’s the code I used:
/* copyright Fett263 CustomBlade (Primary Blade) OS7 Style
OS7.12 v1.017-p
Single Style
Multi Phase (Original - Color Change)
Default: Hyper Responsive Rotoscope (Original Trilogy) [BaseColorArg]
1: Hyper Responsive Rotoscope (Original Trilogy) [AltColorArg]
Multi Phase Control: use Color Change with COLOR_CHANGE_DIRECT define (to enable click-to-change).
--Effects Included--
Ignition Effect: Standard Ignition [Color: IgnitionColorArg]
Retraction Effect: Standard Retraction [Color: RetractionColorArg]
Lockup Effect: Intensity Lockup V1, Begin Effect: Real Clash, End Effect: Full Blade Absorb [Color: LockupColorArg]
LightningBlock Effect: Responsive Lightning Block [Color: LBColorArg]
Drag Effect: Intensity Sparking Drag [Color: DragColorArg]
Melt Effect: Intensity Melt [Color: StabColorArg]
Stab Effect: Normal Stab [Color: StabColorArg]
Blast Effect: Blast Wave (Random) [Color: BlastColorArg]
Clash Effect: Real Clash V1 [Color: ClashColorArg]
Swing Effect: Bright Swing (Scaled Full Blade) [Color: SwingColorArg]
Battery Monitor: Passive Battery Monitor (Change Preset)