Bought a saber with false clashes, hard to do stab,melt and drag

Then you’re probably doing the stab motion wrong, try stabbing the tip of the blade into a hard object (not so hard as to damage) but the impact needs to be preceeded by a linear movement easiestway to do is just thrust the tip of the bladeinto and object, if you’re only getting lockup that means the hit is not at the tip of the blade.

yea its still not working and Im looking at the controls to do it and theres still things that arnt right

Do a video of you trying Melt otherwise I’m not sure how to help, my guess is you’re doing the motion incorrectly, its usually a pretty simple thing to trigger.

im on my laptop, and trust me Im familiar with proffie I honestly think its the board or core itself thats the issue, plus this saber is from aliexpress ( china saber store)

Does everything else work, swings, clashes, lockups? If its able to do those then I have no idea how the board would cause you not to be able to do stab motion only unless the board isn’t mounted parallel.
I’m not really sure how else to help, maybe someone else has ideas, I think you’re most likely not doing the motion correctly.

everything is fine its just still doing false clashes when I do lockup sometimes doesn’t show ( switches to saber Sa22c) and its still doing stuff that I don’t want it to. clashes swings work but the lockup is sometimes doing melting however the melting wont show mind you im not against an object so its just weird im not sure whats wrong with this thing