Board keeps rebooting itself, seemingly based on orientation

I’m unsure how to explain this issue, but essentially: building my own custom saber, I have wired up my proffieboard v3 outside my chassis I’m designing to test my config and whatnot to make sure everything works as it should, plus I had to wait for a few more parts to arrive. Yet, seemingly based on the orientation I tilt the board, it will shut off, and when moved back to a different position it powers on again. I have redone all my wiring and am pretty certain that there are no shorts

Video of issue

You could be triggering your gesture controls. Do you have them enabled in your config?

Actually I see your video. That’s complete power loss, not a retraction, so controls are not relevant.

Looks like there a lot of wires moving as you move the board. You’re gettng such clean and fast reboots, my 2 cents is that there’s still a contact or joint that is not entirely happy. Maybe at the recharge port or the kill switch…anything hooked directly to the battery.

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I’ll take a better look at my wiring. I’ve been thinking that it has something to do with the wiring on the board itself as there’s still power loss even if the switch/recharge port assembly doesn’t move

Be sure to look closely at the underside, where you pushed the wire through the board. Sometimes a strand of wire comes off and touches another pad.

I recommend measuring over visual inspection.
(Your eyes may deceive you, don’t trust them.)

Basically, unplug the battery, hook up a multimeter instead, set it to measure resistance. If the resistance vary significantly (and go down to almost zero) when you move the board, then there is a short somewhere. If on the other hand the resistance goes up significantly (near infinite) then your movements are causing something to get disconnected.

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