The config compiles Successfully at 98% but after it’s uploaded to the board (3.9) it seems to crash and I get a solid green light then I have to hit the rest button to get it wake up and it starts pulsing green, the uploaded was successful and works like it should but I’m just wondering why it’s crashing like that.
could this be because I have to many presents? I’ve got 115 with a lot of repeated styles.
I know this might seem like a non problem but the rest button on the board is covered by a bit of plastic so I have to unscrew the chassis and open it up to reveal the buttons (it’s one of them cheap LGT cores) I have to undo 4 screw to get to it.
You can also take out the battery, no?
The two most common reasons for crashing:
- corrupt sd cards
- slow sd cards
Having lots of presets isn’t a problem, but having lots of fonts can be a problem. (and usually, people have one font per preset.)
For every 16 fonts you add, proffieOS has to read one more block from the SD card every time it opens a file. It’s possible to work around this by putting fonts in sub-directories, so instead of just “font1”, “font2”, etc. you would have “fonts1/font1”, “fonts1/font2”, … “fonts2/font30”…
(I think having 30 fonts in each directory would speed things up a bit.)
Crashing specifically after upload is a little weird to me though. Although it could be windows trying to do something weird with the mass storage device. Does it work better if you turn off mass storage?
I took the battery out but that made no difference, I only have it set to serial and webusb.
But what you’ve mentioned about SD card sounds interesting because I’m actually using a brand new card I got from eBay, a Kingston Canvas Select Plus 16GB it was only £3 which thinking about it sounds to good to be true and is probably a fake, I will try uploading again with the sd card I was using previously an see if that’s the problem
“reset” doesn’t save anything though. It just restarts the processor.
Removing power (taking out the battery and unplugging any USB connections) will also cause the processor to restart (when it gets power again).
When I plug the wire in I get a solid green light and no Notification from the pc that it’s been connected and doesn’t show in connected devices, when I remove the battery light goes off, when I reinsert it light comes back on solid green, only after pressing the reset button the light starts pulsing and the board just starts work
That doesn’t sound right at all.
Not sure if that is a D61 problem, and SD card problem, or something else though.
I’m confused though, what was the state before you plugged the cable in? Was it on? Battery in?
Upon completion of upload with battery and wire in the board disconnected from pc and didn’t auto reconnect, green light was solid and when removing and reinserting wire nothing happened pc didn’t register anything not even boot loader just nothing, then pressed the reset and light started pulsing and got a notification from windows that the board had connected
It’s definitely the SD card just the act of inserting it is crashing the board, I put the old SD card on it. It works fine
You should not be inserting or removing the SD card with the power on though…
I didn’t know that, with this particular Saber I I have to undo a couple of screws pull the core down a bit to make room to pull the battery out, no kill switch on this one, so I’ve only ever just pulled it in and out with power on whenever I’m adding fonts to the card, now you say that I’m surprised it’s still working, oops, I will have to activate mass storage from now on when adding fonts to be on the safe side.
I did reflash it a couple of times though with the old SD card and it worked every time, must’ve just been the dud sd card causing the board to freak out