Blast only coming from emitter

I had uploaded a new font earlier but when I press the aux to activate a blast, it seems that the blast only comes from the emitter & not randomly throughout the blade like I chose. Its also affecting my previously uploaded fonts for some reason too.

Need to see config file to help you with that one.

seeing as you’re new here, copy and past the contents and be sure that you use the three ticks. before and after.

also the icon </> in the reply will format it if you highlight the config and press theat button.

config sdlkfjaslkdjf

Of course, this is the recent config that I started having troubles with.

{ "14-N1", "common/tracks/mars.wav",

/* copyright Fett263 EnergyBlade (Primary Blade) OS6 Style
OS6.7 v4.015
Single Style
Base Style: Surging Pulse

Base Color: Rgb<2,72,255> (0)

--Effects Included--
Preon Effect: Overload (PreOn Color)
Ignition Effect: SparkTip Ignition
PowerUp Effect: Power Flash
Retraction Effect: Standard Retraction
PostOff Effect: Disable
Lockup Effect: Full Blade Lockup, Begin Effect: Real Clash, End Effect: Full Blade Absorb
LightningBlock Effect: Responsive Lightning Block
Drag Effect: Intensity Sparking Drag
Melt Effect: Intensity Melt
Blast Effect: Blast Fade (Large)
Clash Effect: Flash on Clash (Full Blade)
Battery Level: % Blade (Green to Red)

I think it’s an issue with “EffectPosition<EFFECT_BLAST>” but not sure why. Try replacing with “EffectRandomF<EFFECT_BLAST>”. EffectPosition<> seems to do this at times.

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@profezzorn I think I found an issue with EffectPosition<> and MultiTransitionEffectL<> that causes this.

I’ll update the library to use EffectRandomF<> in MultiTransitionEffectL<> in the interim, but it appears EffectPosition<> resets to 0 when used in MultiTransitionEffectL<>.

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Library was updated to fix (for now). Just refresh and generate a new style and it should fix.

Awesome, it works! Thank you, I appreciate the help.

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