bladeID resistor selection

I went out and got some SMD resistors and opened up a blade I had.

I placed a 47K resistor across the blade side PCB Data and GND pads and soldered it into place. I then measured the resistance (to see if I had soldered it right) and it looked perfect at 47K.

I then snapped the PCB in to the adapter, re-soldered the leads and superglued (big mistake) the base once I had done a quick power up.

I used the scanned command several times between a “fresh” blade and this new one and basically was unable to have any luck - the ID always comes back at ~900.

How should I be selecting BladeID resistors?

BladeID Blade

Welcome to ProffieOS $Id: ce12a06a1e236b5101ec60c950530a9a4719a74d $. Type 'help' for more info.
I2C init..
Motion setup ... done.
Saving Global State
Amplifier off.
Unmounting SD Card.
Battery voltage: 3.43
Battery voltage: 3.42
Battery voltage: 3.42
ID: 901.00
blade= 1
WS2811 Blade with 144 leds.
Simple Blade
Style RAM = 672
Style RAM = 4
Charging Style
Charging Style
Style RAM = 76
Style RAM = 8

Normal Blade

Welcome to ProffieOS $Id: ce12a06a1e236b5101ec60c950530a9a4719a74d $. Type 'help' for more info.
I2C init..
Motion setup ... done.
Saving Global State
Amplifier off.
Unmounting SD Card.
ID: 900.00
blade= 0
WS2811 Blade with 114 leds.
Simple Blade
Style RAM = 672
Style RAM = 4
Charging Style
Charging Style
Style RAM = 76
Style RAM = 8

a few swaps:

ID: 900.00
blade= 0
WS2811 Blade with 114 leds.
Simple Blade
Style RAM = 672
Style RAM = 4
Charging Style
Charging Style
Style RAM = 76
Style RAM = 8
Scanning sound font: LS6 done
Scanning sound font: common done
Activating polyphonic font.
Activating SmoothSwing V2
Accent Swings NOT Detected: 
Unmounting SD Card.
Battery voltage: 3.43
Welcome to ProffieOS $Id: ce12a06a1e236b5101ec60c950530a9a4719a74d $. Type 'help' for more info.
Amplifier off.
Unmounting SD Card.
ID: 904.00
blade= 0
WS2811 Blade with 114 leds.
Simple Blade
Style RAM = 672
Style RAM = 4
Charging Style
Charging Style
Style RAM = 76
Style RAM = 8
Scanning sound font: LS6 done
Scanning sound font: common done
Activating polyphonic font.
Activating SmoothSwing V2
Accent Swings NOT Detected: 
Unmounting SD Card.
Battery voltage: 3.43
Battery voltage: 3.43
Battery voltage: 3.43
Battery voltage: 3.43
ID: 901.00
blade= 0
WS2811 Blade with 114 leds.
Simple Blade
Style RAM = 672
Style RAM = 4
Charging Style
Charging Style
Style RAM = 76
Style RAM = 8
Scanning sound font: LS6 done
Scanning sound font: common done
Activating polyphonic font.
Activating SmoothSwing V2
Accent Swings NOT Detected: 
Unmounting SD Card.
Battery voltage: 3.43
EVENT: Clash millis=103504
EVENT: Stab millis=107340
EVENT: Stab millis=109026
ID: 901.00
blade= 0
WS2811 Blade with 114 leds.
Simple Blade
Style RAM = 672
Style RAM = 4
Charging Style
Charging Style
Style RAM = 76
Style RAM = 8
ID: 901.00
blade= 1
WS2811 Blade with 144 leds.
Simple Blade
Style RAM = 672
Style RAM = 4
Charging Style
Charging Style
Style RAM = 76
Style RAM = 8

Welcome to ProffieOS $Id: ce12a06a1e236b5101ec60c950530a9a4719a74d $. Type 'help' for more info.
I2C init..
Motion setup ... done.
Saving Global State
Amplifier off.
Unmounting SD Card.
ID: 900.00
blade= 0
WS2811 Blade with 114 leds.
Simple Blade
Style RAM = 672
Style RAM = 4
Charging Style
Charging Style
Style RAM = 76

ID: 900.00
blade= 0
WS2811 Blade with 114 leds.
Simple Blade
Style RAM = 672
Style RAM = 4
Charging Style
Charging Style
Style RAM = 76
Style RAM = 8

ID: 904.00
blade= 0
WS2811 Blade with 114 leds.
Simple Blade
Style RAM = 672
Style RAM = 4
Charging Style
Charging Style
Style RAM = 76
Style RAM = 8

ID: 901.00
blade= 0
WS2811 Blade with 114 leds.
Simple Blade
Style RAM = 672
Style RAM = 4
Charging Styl
Charging Style
Style RAM = 76
Style RAM = 8

Check out the different pullup resistor define options for BLADE_ID_CLASS here:

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Based on:

" IMPORTANT NOTE - BladeID requires a direct, uninterrupted connection from the board’s data pin to the main blade (usually the center pin on the in-hilt PCB). Therefore using SubBlades with neopixel accents, crystal chamber, or NPXL LED PCBs in series with the main blade won’t work. They can be their own SubBlade chain on a data pin other than data1, but only data1 can use BladeID."

I think I am just hosed.

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Yeah happened to me my first time too. Hence why I added that bit to the Wiki :wink:

Did you figure out any other ways to switch configs other than a recompile->upload?

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Either Blade ID or Blade detect needs a home run wire from the PCB to the board.

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