Best Micro SD Card?


I’ve read some of the earlier feed regarding this topic… but hope i can get some specific help.

I have lagging and bad coloring due to underperforming SD card in my Pach Store Proffie saber. I used Arduino to note the under performance. Can someone, via a link, send me the brand name.
/stats on a top performing SD Card? Also, wold i need to format it before dumping my fonts onto it and flashing it to the board?

Thanks! I’ve had the saber for two years. Learned a lot about Proffie. Still learning.

It came up here and there’s good info :slight_smile:

I ordered the Kingston cards but with slow shipping (arrive next friday).

Thanks you! I ordered a Samsung U3 A2. Hopefully it will perform better than what i have now. Will i need to format it or just load and go?

I always format when loading on fonts. The main reason not to is to keep any saved changes from edit mode or workbench, which I tend not to use preferring the trimmed down settings menu.

Good luck and let us know if the card is fast and stable :slight_smile:


Testing the first Kingston Industrial SDcard:

Time to read blocks: Average speed: 1409.95 kb/s, 15.99 simultaneous audio streams.

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Which size (GB) did you test?


I pick and choose fonts for each saber update. I know some folks like to have their collection available and use much bigger cards, but I realized I’ve never gone over 6 gigs.

Same, I usually only have 10ish fonts. My biggest build is 16 I think.

So you approve of them so far? I was thinking of getting a few 8gb’s.

Yes. Testing now and it’s running great with multiple back to back boots to be sure the card is found. Early access and public Fett263 features also running smoothly, although I do have questions which will go in the right spot :slight_smile:

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*CORRECTION/EDIT: Apparently OEMPC and Kioxia no longer offer the Kioxia UHS3 in 16gb, guess I’m going back to Kingston. Go with the UHS3 spec, it’s worth the mild added cost. :wink:

re: I’ve not tried the most recent batch of Kingston SDs in maybe 5 months but they are always a solid goto. Same as the Kioxia Exceria. Kioxia = Toshiba.
EDIT DigiKey has decent pricing for the Kingston..