Audio jacks for Proffieboards

Hey everyone! I’m currently wiring up a chassis for someone, and was asked if it were possible to connect the speaker pads to an audio jack so that he can connect it to an amplifier (I assume for sound font testing and playing sounds on a bigger speaker). What audio jacks do people use with Proffieboards, and what is recommended?

There’s plenty of discussion on this if you do a search.
In summary, you can just directly wire an audio jack of your choice and it will basically work.
3.5mm, 1/4" etc… doesn’t matter.
If you get fancy and use an insert jack, you could use the speaker until plugging it in :wink:
It would work just like a recharge port does for power.

Ah, got it. Glad to hear that it doesn’t have to be very complicated. And using a audio jack insert is a good idea as well!

Only thing now is to choose which jack or insert I should buy, there are so many to choose from (they’re probably all same, but that doesn’t make choosing easy haha) :thinking:

I should clarify. What I was referring to was like a normally closed patch Bay jack

I looked up what it was, but it looked overkill for the application haha. But I have seen singular audio jack inserts, though they have 3 pins… in any case, I can work with this info. Thanks!

This was our last discussion on the topic of audio jacks. It contains an (untested) circuit that might be safer and work better than just hooking up the audio jack directly to the speaker output. It also goes through some of the reasons why hooking up things directly to the speaker output might not always work well.

Ah, thanks Prof!

That’s some interesting stuff. I just passed my signal analysis course earlier this year covering Nyquist and sampling rates, so I can see how using no filter could cause some issues. There’s no better time for me now to learn how to use KiCad :grin:

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