Arudino 2.3.2

is arduino 2.3.2 safe to download, compatibility wise and all that? Is it compatible with OS 7.14?

Yes, I have used it and it works well. The board selection dialog is a little weird. If it’s confusing, try just using Tools → Port instead, which works the same as it always did.

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ALMOST got it to work. It started uploading to the board, failed at 88%, couldn’t get it to recognize the port after that. Went back to the previous version of Arduino, and got it to work the first time. I wonder if having two versions on the same computer confused it.

I don’t think so.
Usually when it fails to upload, it’s because the cable is not very good, and it got jostled or something during the upload.

When that happens you just go into bootloader mode and upload to get things back to normal.

The latest versions of Arduino as well as the changes in the interface are just weird and there’s a couple frustrating issues. Switching back to 1.8.19 solved it and that’s the version I suggest.

how do you go into bootloader. tried1.8.19 seemed to work then got a compiling error. Went to check the port an its grey, cant access it, saying my board isnt connecting. Could the sd card be interfering?
Ok Now I just think my board isnt reading in arduino…I used zadig and when I plugin the board my computer recognizes it as stm32 bootloader. but when I try to access the port option in arduino it just stays grey and gives me a compiling error. and this may sound stupid but im very new, do I have to have the board wired to a power source?

If the board registers as STM32 BOOTLOADER in windows, then it will not show up in the ports list in Arduino, but pressing the upload button should work anyways.

If you get a compilation error, that’s an issue with your config and/or setup, and is seperate from any board connectivity issues.

I recommend creating a new topic (since this one is for something else), and posting the full error message from Arduino. (Use the “copy error messages” button)

Gotcha will do thanks