Arduino fs.h error

I saw this was addressed for macOS, just not windows- I’ve installed proffie and all, I’m just running into this error now that I’ve tried 1.8.9. The verification worked just fine on a newer version of Arduino, however.

wait, I got the wrong arduino, I think-

I put 1.8.9 and not 1.8.19. I read a thing wrong let me try something else-

that something else being 1.8.19,sorry for the spam, I just wanted to correct that

I can’t read a thing! For info: screenshots of text are not allowed as per forum rules.

Do you know that you can select the Arduino “red text”, right click copy and paste it here.
Also when you paste it put it between 3 backticks loke this:

paste here (your error message - or your config)

Also if you want help from the professor, you will need to delete the screenshot from your first post (you should see a pencil icon to edit your first post) because it takes useless space on his server.

Edit, I didn’t see you had posted more than one screen shots. Please delete them all and only post the text as I explained above. Thank you.

thank you, and yes I did know that, I just didn’t think it’d format properly into the forum text.

Where do I find the pencil icon?

I guess you found it since you deleted the second screen shot

If you post it in between the 3 back ticks, it will format properly

No, I just deleted the whole second post. I still can’t do anything about the first

I guess it is because you are a new user. I believe you will get “edit privilege” in a few posts. Please come back and delete the screenshot when you do.

In the mean time you can post the text for your error. And one of us will take a look.

I suppose so-

Though I will wait to see if I have any luck with 1.8.19 instead of 1.8.9. I had misread 1.8.19 in another thread as 1.8.9, as I said earlier-

It seems to have worked, however gonna test to see if the bladestyle was implemented, and I’ll update

okay, so it WORKED, however the bladestyle is a little buggy with the sounds-

It’s behaving fairly funkily (lagging after clashes, hum starting at the wrong time)

I’m gonna try to work this out as best as I can

Okay, I’ve looked around on the forums a bit and it might just be due to the speed of my sd card-

I couldn’t find the exact sdtest program that was being mentioned or what it really was, so I downloaded a program that tests the speed of sd cards and my read speed is 20.846 MB/s and my write speed is 16.369 MB/s

Though take this with a grain of salt as the program I used uses comic sans font in the results and seems like something from the old web-

Edit) The program is called Speedout

If you want to find it:

Make sure your config does not have:


Or you can, temporarily, comment it out: //#define DISABLE_DIAGNOSTIC_COMMANDS
And follow the instructions I posted on the page above.