Adjusting Speed of Crystal Chamber Style

I’m trying to see if there is a way to change the timing of the blade style for Crystal Chamber using SLow Pulse On and Off. It looks great as its set from library but my Saber was installed with another pulse style that is just slightly faster but not the fast pulse speed. And I can’t seem to find one in the library that is the same.

Is there a way to adjust the Slow Pulse on off timing?

For reference this is what was installed previously. Trying to find the same pulse timing.



So, this code uses


There’s also a TrDelay of 80000 (80 seconds) between changes, but all the pulsing has a speed of 3000.

I see. Here’s the code from Fett’s style library. I see the TrDelay but can’t find a defnition for the speed like 3000. Maybe I’m missing it?


Can look for it using the style editor

Have you tried this tool?

I can try, not very familiar with it

To make a change, click on the part you want to edit in the boxes on the right to highlight. Make your adjustments in the big box on the left and click submit.

I’m just not sure where to adjust for timing. Just trying to get it to pulse for 3000. I can set that independently, but anytime I enter it in the code it gives errors. I’ll keep trying, but appreciate any more insight.

Thank you!

At the end of the second style you pasted there is an “8000”. That is the time interval that BlackDragonN001 called out. You need to adjust that to 3000 if you want a faster pulse.


yes, that’s the pusling timer when “off”

Ahhhh! I see. Thank you so much! I’m an idiot

Worked like a charm! Thank you all!