Accent LEDs draining the battery while off

Hello there every one. I have two proffie v3.9 builds that I did recently with two crystal chamber accent LEDs and they are draining the battery while off. I checked the current with a multimeter while off and there is a current of 0.6 v. I checked my other builds with crystal chamber accents and they are not drawing any current while off. I even changed out one the boards to see if it might be a bad board but it is still doing it. Does anyone have an idea as to why this might be happening?

did u integrate a kill switch into the build

How is it wired and what does your config file look like?
It it a neopixel or a regular LED?

Also, volts is not current, so this measurement might not mean anything.
Current is measured in amperes and has to be measured in-line rather than point-to-point.

Yes, there is a kill switch

The accent LEDs are wired in series using Data 2 and LED 1.
When I measure the voltage from the BATT+ to LED 1 while off I am reading a voltage of 0.6. When I do the same measurement from BATT+ to LED 2,3 there is no voltage when off.

Ezra3-30_config.h (38.8 KB)

So was this measured with the kill switch off?
Is the kill switch between BATT+ on the board and + on the battery, or is it on the negative side?

Ok, so let me clarify. I am getting the voltage of 0.6 on the accent LEDs when the board has motion time out and the kill switch is on. The kill switch goes from the battery + to the kill switch and then to the board BATT+ pin. I know I can just turn the KS off to prevent the drain but I like to keep mine on. The batteries last for a month on my other builds when just sitting around but these two recent builds the batteries are draining in like three days and it is driving me crazy as to why.

motion timeout and idle timeout is not the same thing, but since your motion timeout seems to be longer than you idle timeout, I think that’s fine…

If you (temporarily) remove DISABLE_DIAGNOSTIC_COMMANDS from your config file, you can use the “whatison” command, which should tell you what blades are currently powered.

Does this happen regardless of what preset you’re on, or does different presets behave differently?

I have checked and the battery drain is happening with other presets. I did a diagnostic test and here are the results. One set is with the idle on and the next set is idle off. I am not sure how to read the information. Does this information help?

Battery voltage: 4.17
Battery voltage: 4.17
Battery voltage: 4.18
Booster off.
Battery voltage: 4.05
Battery voltage: 4.05
EVENT: Power-Pressed#1 millis=725122
EVENT: Power-Pressed millis=725122
EVENT: Power-Released#1 millis=725301
EVENT: Power-RUnmounting SD Card.
Saber bases: On
Beeper: Off
Talker: Off
Wav player 0: Off (eof = 1 volume = 0.00 refs = 0 fade speed = 0.00 filename=Ezra3/hum.wav)
Wav player 1: Off (eof = 1 volume = 0.50 refs = 0 fade speed = 0.00 filename=Ezra3/in/in1.wav)
Wav player 2: Off (eof = 1 volume = 0.00 refs = 1 fade speed = 0.00 filename=Ezra3/swingl/swingl1.wav)
Wav player 3: Off (eof = 1 volume = 0.00 refs = 1 fade speed = 0.00 filename=Ezra3/swingh/swingh1.wav)
Wav player 4: Off (eof = 1 volume = 0.50 refs = 0 fade speed = 0.00 filename=)
Wav player 5: Off (eof = 1 volume = 0.50 refs = 0 fade speed = 0.00 filename=)
Wav player 6: Off (eof = 1 volume = 0.50 refs = 0 fade speed = 0.00 filename=)
Battery voltage: 4.15
Battery voltage: 4.15
Battery voltage: 4.15
Booster off.
Battery voltage: 4.05
Saber bases: Off
Beeper: Off
Talker: Off
Wav player 0: Off (eof = 1 volume = 0.00 refs = 0 fade speed = 0.00 filename=Ezra3/hum.wav)
Wav player 1: Off (eof = 1 volume = 0.50 refs = 0 fade speed = 0.00 filename=Ezra3/in/in1.wav)
Wav player 2: Off (eof = 1 volume = 0.00 refs = 1 fade speed = 0.37 filename=Ezra3/swingl/swingl1.wav)
Wav player 3: Off (eof = 1 volume = 0.00 refs = 1 fade speed = 0.37 filename=Ezra3/swingh/swingh1.wav)
Wav player 4: Off (eof = 1 volume = 0.50 refs = 0 fade speed = 0.00 filename=)
Wav player 5: Off (eof = 1 volume = 0.50 refs = 0 fade speed = 0.00 filename=)
Wav player 6: Off (eof = 1 volume = 0.50 refs = 0 fade speed = 0.00 filename=)

I think this means that all the blades are off.
When off, the pin that goes to the FET is set to input.
There is a 100k pull-down resistor that should turn the FET off.
It’s possible that the pull-down isn’t working right, or that the FET isn’t turning off all the way.
(If so, this would be a manufacturing problem.)

There are a few things we could try:

  1. measure the voltage on the FET input (this requires an accurate volt meter, and potentially a very sharp probe)
  2. We could change proffieOS to pull the pin low when the FET is turned off, as this might overcome the manufacturing defect (if there is one)
  3. We could disconnect the accent LEDs temporarily, this would let us verify that the battery drain is indeed coming from the accent LEDs. Also, we could hook up the meter in series with the LEDs to measure actual current draws.

What about getting some high resolution images of the board itself to check for errant solder?