WebUSB Sept 2021

Yea ive seen you suggest that, but still same error. :upside_down_face:

PS: Cutn-n-paste is preferred over screenshots.

Roger that, new to the forum, do I just use “[quote]” to add longer text and not fill the screen?


if you add backticks x3 no spaces and close with backticks x3 no spaces



it will look like this. if you want to see it quote me and it will show you in text what it looks like

FYI, to quote something from a post, simply click and drag to highlight some part of the post’s text, let go and choose the "Quote popup

I think “edit” button should work with ProffieOS 5.x again.


Can confirm. Working on proffie 5.9.

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Would it be difficult to implement this, expanding on the spot that currently shows messages?
A mini console that can show messages and take serial commands like Serial Monitor?

So, the WebUSB serial monitor is actually not supposed to get any asynchronous messages, so this is a bug…

That was a long time ago. Just looking now I don’t see any other than battery voltage.
Might have been cleaned up in the most recent changes.

To answer the other question: Implementing a serial monitor that lets you enter commands would be super easy. Making it handle asynchronous output would take a little more work.

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