Variation cross reference chart?

Any way to nail the exact color variation integer aside from eyeballing it in Style Editor?
Could a chart be assembled based on some math?
Something like:

Base color:   Variation Int:  Resulting Color:
Red           2000            Orange
              4000            Yellow
              10500           Green

Should be easy, 32768 = 360 degrees on the HSV color wheel, so, here are the table for the basic colors:

red yellow green cyan blue purple
red 0 5461 10922 16384 21845 27306
yellow 27306 0 5461 10922 16384 21845
green 21854 27306 0 5461 10922 16384
cyan 16384 21854 27306 0 5461 10922
blue 10922 16384 21854 27306 0 5461
purple 5461 10922 16384 21854 27306 0

So if you start with red, and the variation is 5461, you get yellow.

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