ProffieOS v6.x ALPHA testing

Ok I have a thing now.
After IDLE_TIME_OFF expires, I get a lingering “afterimage” on the Hilt side blade PCB LEDs.

However only with StylePtr<>() styles.

With a default style such as StyleNormalPtr<CYAN, WHITE, 300, 800>() the LEDs are fully off after IDLE_TIME_OFF expires.

The color shown is whatever was last showing, so it’s behaving like the data stream was lost (expected), but there’s still some leaking power.

The PCB’s blade is:

WS281XBladePtr<5, blade2Pin, Color8::GRB, PowerPINS<bladePowerPin2, bladePowerPin3> >()

No blade in hilt, but it’s wired sharing FETs for LED pads 2&3 (typical)

When adding #define SHARED_POWER_PINS

a single Green LED (not one of the original 3) is lit, regardless of style color, including testing with Rainbow.

This all started today, I believe after I synced the SVF related updates, (possibly styles/color_select.h or around there somewhere?)