OS8 ProffieOS Menu System

This is the only thing that affects me in all that so I lose, but sure! :upside_down_face:

I’d be fine with making the common folder a bit larger :slight_smile:

It wouldn’t conflict at all with the color list in your prop.
It would be completely separate.

I am going to suggest that the script’s generated prompts be labeled “ProffieOS_Voicepack_English_G” because that’s what’s next, and also Google :slight_smile:

The script can potentially generate more than one font.

I’m currently giving it a “en-uk” argument, which gives it a fairly nice british accent. :slight_smile:

You also had a URL for glados sounds somewhere, so I was thinking of adding support for that too. At that point I’ll probably break the script into two. Basically the script will do some setup, and then source the sound list, that way we can easily add more scripts in the future.

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curl -L --retry 30 --get --fail \
    --data-urlencode "text=hundred. accept. confirm selection. alt color. Auto. maximum clash strength. base color. Battery level. begin. adjust black level. select blade. blast color. Clash detection level. cancel. clash color. edit clash threshold. edit color. color list." \
    -o "02.wav" \

curl -L --retry 30 --get --fail \
    --data-urlencode "text=color options. color menu. confirm. Edit control settings. cool down options. copy preset. copy colors. default. delete preset. edit brightness. disable. drag color. drag size. Edit mode. select effect. emitter size. emitter color. enable. exit. disabled." \
    -o "03.wav" \

curl -L --retry 30 --get --fail \
    --data-urlencode "text=edit font. gestures off. gestures on. gesture menu. edit gestures. Adjust color hue. ignition delay. ignition color. ignition options. million. retraction time. lightning block color. edit blade length. lock up delay. clash and lock up position." \
    -o "04.wav" \

curl -L --retry 30 --get --fail \
    --data-urlencode "text=clash and lockup size. lockup color. repeat single track. main menu. maximum. melt color. melt size. milliseconds. minimum. off color. off options. select option. option. ignition time. percent. Point. pre-on color. pre-on size. pre-on options." \
    -o "05.wav" \

curl -L --retry 30 --get --fail \
    --data-urlencode "text=select preset. pre-on length. post-off color. post-off size. Force push. Force push length. power lock. power up options. random. reset colors. retraction color. revert. rotate. retraction delay. retraction options. save. Settings menu. edit settings." \
    -o "06.wav" \

curl -L --retry 30 --get --fail \
    --data-urlencode "text=stab color. stab ignition. edit style. style menu." \
    -o "07.wav" \

curl -L --retry 30 --get --fail \
    --data-urlencode "text=style. style options. select style. edit style settings. style settings. swing color. swing ignition. swing on speed. swing options. thrust ignition. edit track. enabled. twist ignition. twist retraction. volts. edit volume. adjust white level. zero." \
    -o "08.wav" \

curl -L --retry 30 --get --fail \
    --data-urlencode "text=ninety. no choreography available. begin rehearsal. end rehearsal. new rehearsal. keep rehearsal. seventy. sixty. thirty. thousand. enter volume menu. exiting volume menu. maximum volume. minimum volume. red. orange red. dark orange. orange. gold. yellow." \
    -o "09.wav" \

curl -L --retry 30 --get --fail \
    --data-urlencode "text=green yellow. green. aquamarine. cy ann. deep sky blue. dodger blue. blue. ice blue. indigo. purple. deep purple. magenta. deep pink. silver. glacier. ice white. light cy ann. moccasin. lemon chiffon. nava ho white. white. one. two. three. four. five. six." \
    -o "10.wav" \

curl -L --retry 30 --get --fail \
    --data-urlencode "text=seven. eight. nine. ten. eleven. twelve. thirteen. fourteen. fifteen. sixteen. seventeen. eighteen. nineteen. one. twenty." \
    -o "11.wav" \

had to punch one at a time and wait for completion.

Also, there’s this

Although I didn’t look around too much to see if anything could be scripted.

The question is really if named colors really add anything compared to just using a color wheel to pick colors.

I’m a standard color wheel kinda guy.
I like that the new menu slows down the change over 3 rotations so it’s more fine tuned. That’s all I need. If I want specific colors to choose from, I would just use ColorSelect<> and find something in the plethora that the Style Editor shows now…
That’s just me.

Using a named color menu would offer all the same colors as the style editor though.
I could see advantages if you find a color you like, as it makes it easy to just pick that color.
But I don’t know if that is what people want or not…

I use the Color menu often to find the closest color, or just to find one when i’m in a hurry.

Could you please apply this to the blade length mode too? Volume menu movement is sweet. Bladelength is an all day affair :upside_down_face:

how about this as mclick.wav for EFFECT_MENU_CHANGE ?

The accelerator is in the stepped mode, so it applies to every menu that has steps. It might need some tweaking though (actually, that goes for every aspect of the V8 menus.)

Seems like a good sound.
Currently ccchange.wav is played for EFFECT_MENU_CHANGE (or a beep if none is found.) I did it this way to make the color change menu work the same as they did in 7.x.

Yes I kind of see that makes sense, but I’m having difficulty following the flow through these modes. For example when we enter the volume menu, I have no idea what is calling set or get. I searched but can’t find the calls.
And exit takes a few turns through other files too. Therefore, I don’t see what’s driving the rotation detection or how it goes through the acceleration and all that so that I can play with how it affects blade length mode.

Yeah, another thing I couldn’t find where it happens.

This happens in hybrid_font.h

Wow, that’s embarrassing.
Late night trying to wrap my head around the modes structure I overlooked the completely obvious.

It’s times like these where I like a good ol’ grep -r

Maybe something like this would help:

SelectCancelMode SelectCancelMode ModeInterface ModeInterface SelectCancelMode->ModeInterface SmoothMode SmoothMode SmoothMode->SelectCancelMode SmoothWraparoundMode SmoothWraparoundMode SmoothWraparoundMode->SelectCancelMode SteppedMode SteppedMode SteppedMode->SelectCancelMode MenuBase MenuBase MenuBase->SteppedMode MenuEntryMenu MenuEntryMenu MenuEntryMenu->MenuBase SmoothVolumeMode SmoothVolumeMode SmoothVolumeMode->SmoothMode ChangeLengthBlade1 ChangeLengthBlade1 ChangeLengthBlade1->MenuBase SmoothClashThresholdMode SmoothClashThresholdMode SmoothClashThresholdMode->SmoothMode SmoothChangeBladeDimmingMode SmoothChangeBladeDimmingMode SmoothChangeBladeDimmingMode->SmoothMode SelectFromListModeBase SelectFromListModeBase SelectFromListModeBase->MenuBase SelectFontMode SelectFontMode SelectFontMode->SelectFromListModeBase SelectTrackMode SelectTrackMode SelectTrackMode->SelectFromListModeBase SteppedVariationMode SteppedVariationMode SteppedVariationMode->SteppedMode SmoothVariationMode SmoothVariationMode SmoothVariationMode->SmoothWraparoundMode ColorHueMode ColorHueMode ColorHueMode->SmoothWraparoundMode ColorBrightnessMode ColorBrightnessMode ColorBrightnessMode->SmoothMode

Here we can see that the volume menu inherits from SmoothMode, and if we go look at smoothmode, we can see that it calls get here:

And set here: