OS-8 Colour Change Behaviour

Was this specifically for color change?
I wonder if other menus are like that?
Maybe having the same number of ticks-per-revolution for color change and for other menus was a bad idea to begin with?
Or; is ~24 ticks-per-revolution something we want for all menus?

@NoSloppy Interesting that many more increments felt better. When I get a second Iā€™ll do some experiments of my own, but on the face of it, it feels like more increments would be like a computer mouse set so that one inch of mouse movement sends the curser traversing the entire screen and more, thus making fine control quite tricky - I know lots of people have it that way, but it drives me crackers! LOL! :laughing:

I suspect Iā€™ll remain a 12 devotee, if only because most of my blade styles have 12 fixed colours which for me covers most bases. But I will keep an open mind until Iā€™ve had a chance to experiement further.

But overall, yes, having it definable from the config would be great. :slight_smile:

Yes these tests were with color change . Again, I know I specifically made my own blade length mode just so it would be more responsive and my number is set to 30 steps per revolution. I donā€™t know about other menus I never really tried any. I guess something lower might make sense but Iā€™m a fan of sensitivity on the high side with less rotation required to get through all the whole menu. Having to use two hands to rotate is just a different style of doing it I guess.
Maybe Iā€™m the outlier. Yes Chris, Iā€™m one of those people who moves the mouse about an inch and a half to cover a 5206 ultra-wide screen. Must be the old gamer in me.

So as far as other menus besides color change are concerned, Iā€™ve spoken on blade length. I think for volume too nobodyā€™s looking to spin the hilt for eternity just to get it up to maximum or minimum. However, choosing menu items like copy and paste may very well want to have something more spaced out and deliberate.

Maybe a solution could be a menu for the menu lol. We could have steps per rotation be a setting per branch?