Mounting sd card causes following error

SD cards are tricky. Sometimes blocks can be “slow” without being “bad”.
Also, rewriting a block can fix it, but usually the blocks become “slow” again after a while.
(Unless the SD card is smart enough to put the data elsewhere. Most sdcards have their own internal badblock mapping nowadays…)

so, i had run the serial monitor on the laptop and here’s the output.

10:59:39.638 -> Welcome to ProffieOS, type 'help' for more info.
10:59:44.425 -> Saving Current Preset
10:59:47.712 -> Failed to open: presets.ini
10:59:47.712 -> Failed to open: presets.tmp
10:59:47.712 -> DISPLAY: Preset: 3
10:59:47.712 -> Bank02;common
10:59:47.745 -> Scanning sound font: Bank02 done
10:59:47.812 -> Scanning sound font: common done
10:59:47.845 -> humstart=2000.00
10:59:47.845 -> proffieosswingspeedthreshold=600.00
10:59:47.845 -> proffieosswingvolumesharpness=0.50
10:59:47.845 -> proffieosmaxswingvolume=2.00
10:59:47.845 -> proffieosswingoverlap=0.50
10:59:47.845 -> proffieossmoothswingducking=0.20
10:59:47.845 -> Activating polyphonic font.
10:59:47.845 -> version=2.00
10:59:47.845 -> swingsensitivity=300.00
10:59:47.845 -> maxswingvolume=3.00
10:59:47.845 -> maximumhumducking=75.00
10:59:47.845 -> swingsharpness=3.00
10:59:47.845 -> swingstrengththreshold=30.00
10:59:47.845 -> transition1degrees=60.00
10:59:47.845 -> transition2degrees=240.00
10:59:47.845 -> accentswingspeedthreshold=600.00
10:59:47.845 -> Activating SmoothSwing V2
10:59:47.845 -> Accent Swings Enabled.
10:59:47.845 -> Polyphonic swings: 16
10:59:47.845 -> Monophonic swings: 0
10:59:47.845 -> Accent Slashes NOT Detected: 
10:59:47.920 -> unit = 0 vol = 0.50, Playing Bank02/font/font.wav
10:59:47.920 -> channels: 1 rate: 44100 bits: 16
10:59:47.920 -> Battery voltage: 0.10
10:59:49.509 -> Amplifier off.
10:59:50.472 -> Unmounting SD Card.
10:59:58.877 -> Booster off.

Not sure what this is supposed to show.

didn’t you ask to run the next preset on the serial monitor I ran the “n” for next preset.

You’re right.
This shows a 208ms delay between starting the command and playing the font.wav. Not particularly fast, but not really that slow either. Is this the delay yoyu’re talking about?

when I hit enter key the timestamp is the first line. where as when the font.wav file plays at the last line timestamp.

14:34:20.997 -> Saving Current Preset
14:34:24.282 -> Failed to open: presets.ini
14:34:24.282 -> Failed to open: presets.tmp
14:34:24.282 -> DISPLAY: Preset: 4
14:34:24.282 -> Bank03;common
14:34:24.282 -> Scanning sound font: Bank03 done
14:34:24.348 -> Scanning sound font: common done
14:34:24.348 -> humstart=1800.00
14:34:24.348 -> proffieosswingspeedthreshold=400.00
14:34:24.348 -> proffieosswingvolumesharpness=1.00
14:34:24.382 -> proffieosmaxswingvolume=2.00
14:34:24.382 -> proffieosswingoverlap=0.50
14:34:24.382 -> proffieossmoothswingducking=0.20
14:34:24.382 -> Activating polyphonic font.
14:34:24.382 -> version=2.00
14:34:24.382 -> swingsensitivity=300.00
14:34:24.382 -> maxswingvolume=3.00
14:34:24.382 -> maximumhumducking=75.00
14:34:24.382 -> swingsharpness=3.00
14:34:24.382 -> swingstrengththreshold=30.00
14:34:24.382 -> transition1degrees=60.00
14:34:24.382 -> transition2degrees=240.00
14:34:24.382 -> accentswingspeedthreshold=450.00
14:34:24.382 -> accentslashaccelerationthreshold=4.00
14:34:24.382 -> Activating SmoothSwing V2
14:34:24.382 -> Accent Swings Enabled.
14:34:24.382 -> Polyphonic swings: 9
14:34:24.382 -> Monophonic swings: 0
14:34:24.382 -> Accent Slashes NOT Detected: 
14:34:24.415 -> unit = 0 vol = 0.50, Playing Bank03/font/font.wav

That might mean that saving presets.ini is slow.
How big is your presets.ini?

I don’t have one on the sd card or my proffieos folders.

Hmm, so it’s not saving presets.ini… Maybe it’s just mounting the sd card, but why?

the working sd card has the same thing though and it is 1200ms from pressing the button to playing the font which is more my expectation.

17:37:41.603 -> Saving Global State
17:37:41.703 -> Amplifier off.
17:37:42.666 -> Unmounting SD Card.
17:37:43.827 -> Saving Current Preset
17:37:43.960 -> Failed to open: presets.ini
17:37:43.960 -> Failed to open: presets.tmp
17:37:43.960 -> DISPLAY: Preset: 2
17:37:43.960 -> Bank01;common
17:37:43.960 -> Scanning sound font: Bank01 done
17:37:44.026 -> Scanning sound font: common done
17:37:44.093 -> humstart=1800.00
17:37:44.093 -> Activating polyphonic font.
17:37:44.093 -> version=2.00
17:37:44.093 -> swingsensitivity=300.00
17:37:44.093 -> maximumhumducking=75.00
17:37:44.093 -> swingsharpness=3.00
17:37:44.093 -> swingstrengththreshold=30.00
17:37:44.093 -> transition1degrees=60.00
17:37:44.093 -> transition2degrees=240.00
17:37:44.093 -> maxswingvolume=2.00
17:37:44.093 -> Activating SmoothSwing V2
17:37:44.093 -> Accent Swings NOT Detected: 
17:37:44.093 -> unit = 0 vol = 0.50, Playing Bank01/font.wav
17:37:44.093 -> channels: 1 rate: 44100 bits: 16
17:37:47.145 -> Amplifier off.
17:37:48.141 -> Unmounting SD Card.

time to replace that sd card.

what is a good read and write speed?

I ran another test using F3:

Data OK: 9.77 GB (20485248 sectors)
Data LOST: 0.00 Byte (0 sectors)
Corrupted: 0.00 Byte (0 sectors)
Slightly changed: 0.00 Byte (0 sectors)
Overwritten: 0.00 Byte (0 sectors)
Average reading speed: 19.57 MB/s
Average write speed: 9.75 MB/s

It’s probably fine, but whatever test this is doesn’t really tell you how it will perform in proffieos.
V2 proffieboards relies heavily on the latency of the card, and uses SPI mode to talk to the sd card.
Regular card readers use SDIO to talk to the sd card, which is a faster, but completely different protocol. Some cards are fine when using SDIO, but crap when using SPI. Because of this you really need to use the “sdtest” command to know how the sd card actually performs.

Also, many sdcards have some blocks that take a long time to read. On average the SD card might be super fast, but if some blocks takes longer to read, it will cause audio glitches in proffieos. ProffieOS only has 11ms of audio buffer, and may need to read multiple blocks from the SD card in that time.

sdtest results

10:40:25.194 → Time to open files: Average time: 2950.82 us
10:40:25.194 →
10:40:25.194 → :
10:40:25.194 → :
10:40:25.194 → :
10:40:25.194 → .:
10:40:25.194 → :: :
10:40:25.194 → . . : :: . .:
10:40:25.194 → . . :: : : ::.: ::.
10:40:25.194 → : : :: : :. :::: :::
10:40:25.194 → .: .: ::: : : :: : :::: :::. …
10:40:25.194 → : ::: :: : ::: ::: :: ::: ::: : :::: : ::::: ::::
10:40:25.194 → x100us 1 2 3 4 5
10:40:25.194 → 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
10:40:25.194 → Time to read blocks: Average speed: 1040.58 kb/s, 11.80 simultaneous audio streams.
10:40:25.194 → .
10:40:25.194 → :
10:40:25.194 → :
10:40:25.194 → :
10:40:25.194 → :
10:40:25.194 → :
10:40:25.194 → :
10:40:25.194 → :
10:40:25.194 → :
10:40:25.194 → ::
10:40:25.194 → .::… … …
10:40:25.194 → x100us 1 2 3 4 5
10:40:25.194 → 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
10:40:25.194 → Battery voltage: 0.09

that’s interesting, well anyway, I know I should get a sd card Class 10 but would it be worthwhile getting a faster sd card e.g. 100MB/s should I just stick with sd or sdxc?

Hmm, the whitespace is all weird, so it’s not possible to really read the graph unfortunately.
11.8 simultaneous streams is sufficient, but results around 12-14 are of course better.

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I got this, hoping this class10 card reads reall quick.

You could get 2 that have been tested as fastest so far on Proffieboards, for the same price:

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it’s a contactless delivery, they’re local that’s why they are higher in price. I’ll have it by this afternoon rather then waiting days for it. premium cost for immediate delivery.

so I have gotten the new sdcards they’re pretty good.

21:22:16.561 -> Playing Bal Venos/preon.wav
21:22:16.594 -> CCCCCC
21:22:16.926 -> Time to open files: Average time: 3122.57 us
21:22:16.926 ->                                                               .                                     
21:22:16.926 ->                                                               :                                     
21:22:16.926 ->                                             :        :        :       :                             
21:22:16.926 ->                                     :       :        :        :       :                             
21:22:16.926 ->                                     :       :        :.      .:       :                             
21:22:16.926 ->                            .        :       :.       ::      ::       :                            .
21:22:16.926 ->                            :        :       ::       ::      ::       :                            :
21:22:16.926 ->                            ::       :       ::       ::      ::       ::       :                   :
21:22:16.926 ->                            ::       :       ::       ::      :::      :: .     :                   :
21:22:16.926 ->                            ::       :.      ::      .::.     :::.     :: :     :.                  :
21:22:16.926 ->                  :        :::      ::: :   :::: :   ::::    :::::::  ::: :     ::                  :
21:22:16.926 -> x100us              1                   2                   3                   4                   5
21:22:16.926 -> 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
21:22:16.926 -> Time to read blocks: Average speed: 1103.82 kb/s, 12.51 simultaneous audio streams.
21:22:16.926 ->          .                                                                                          
21:22:16.926 ->          :                                                                                          
21:22:16.926 ->          :                                                                                          
21:22:16.926 ->          :                                                                                          
21:22:16.926 ->          :                                                                                          
21:22:16.926 ->         .:                                                                                          
21:22:16.926 ->         ::                                                                                          
21:22:16.926 ->         ::                                                                                          
21:22:16.926 ->         ::                                                                                          
21:22:16.926 ->         ::                                                                                          
21:22:16.926 ->         ::... . ..  .                                                                               
21:22:16.926 -> x100us              1                   2                   3                   4                   5
21:22:16.926 -> 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
21:22:16.926 -> Battery voltage: 0.12
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