Milk-V duo

From what I’ve heard about these things, they tend to be cheap because they have flaws which you only discover once you try to actually develop for them. I’m sure there’s exceptions, but that seems to be not uncommon.

I would wonder if an RTOS would be a better solution than linux, somewhere in between a proper OS and something a bit more lean.

Just working with FreeRTOS w/ the ESP boards it seems to be pretty ok, and ofc ESP boards are not the only which FreeRTOS can run on…

I kind of like the Milk-V approach which has one Linux core and one RTOS core and one 8-bit cpu.
The RTOS can be used for audio mixing, the 8-bit cpu for WS2811 and linux for controlling everything. :slight_smile:

Ultimately, it depends more on how good the drivers are than which OS it is IMHO.
Bad drivers can ruin any OS.

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Yeah, makes sense, more physical cores more better, and a hierarchy like that would be convenient.

Yeah, that’s partially what I was referring to when I was talking about flaws of those machines… poor drivers/software support. Only way to know it to try though I suppose, once you’re able to find one that fits ProffieOS’ needs.